Legal Law

The Snap On LED Lid Light is a must have

People who are passionate and crazy about outdoor activities like camping and fishing are always looking for new inventions that are useful for their adventures. Keeping in mind the needs and demands of such activities, we have seen the introduction of new products every two days in the markets. Recently, a snap-on LED cap light…

Legal Law

Barefoot running: is it for you?

In an age of high-priced sneakers and broken glass on the streets, barefoot running is a rare thing. However, more and more trainers and trainers are turning to barefoot training for their runners and now recreational athletes, tired of expensive shoes and lower extremity injuries, are jumping on this new trend. It’s actually not that…

Legal Law

Seven secrets of wealth creation

1) Add value. What this means is working harder, smarter, and working longer hours. You need to make your product or service more valuable. 2) Buy things that make money (mutual funds, stocks, bonds, investment property, small businesses, etc.). You must invest at least 10% of your income. Remember that you probably want to buy…

Legal Law

16 Most Inspiring Celebrity Flops

In order to be successful in business or in life, I realized that we must continuously take corrective action. Taking chances day in and day out can be extremely exhausting, especially when things don’t go my way. Therefore, whenever I am faced with a disappointing event or an undesirable outcome, I NEVER FORGET these famous…

Legal Law

Judgment recovery training and courses

When I search the web, I often read how easy it is to make a lot of money and get rich, without working too hard, in the exciting career of enforcing sentences. Lawsuit enforcers have similar success rates to musicians. In both fields, many people dabble. Relatively few study, work hard enough, long enough to…

Legal Law

Write authentically, even breaking the rules

Crime and legal drama writers often struggle to develop authenticity in their stories. Authenticity is critical to keeping readers or viewers interested because they need to believe in your characters and your story. The world of criminal law has its own procedures, language, and rules. Knowing the rules of criminal law is essential to creating…

Legal Law

Walmart botched Facebook’s social marketing campaign

walmart o Being excessively focused on your marketing message o Comments and feedback restricted to “Wall Posts” and heavily moderated. o Deviate from your core brand value of deep discounts to give Facebook users fashion/style/taste advice o 2,000 members participated in your quiz Aim o Open a discussion forum and allow a two-way conversation. o…

Legal Law

Where is my paycheck?

Oregon law requires employers to pay employees at least once every 35 days. Oregon law also dictates that employees must be paid on time and in full on each payday – what a revolutionary idea! What happens if your employer deducts the payment from your paycheck? Generally, your employer cannot withhold money from your paycheck….