Digital Marketing

5 composition tips for the lazy

It’s funny, being a songwriter myself, I always find writing songs can sometimes be a chore. But why do you feel this way? Isn’t this supposed to be my passion? Isn’t this supposed to be something I never get bored of? … Well not exactly. Everything gets boring from time to time, even the things…

Health Fitness

How do I gain weight?

While not as common a goal as losing weight, there are a significant number of people who have weight gain as their goal. The reasons are as varied as people, but can include a desire to gain weight for a sport, a desire to gain a few pounds after rehabbing from an injury, or simply…

Legal Law

Where is my paycheck?

Oregon law requires employers to pay employees at least once every 35 days. Oregon law also dictates that employees must be paid on time and in full on each payday – what a revolutionary idea! What happens if your employer deducts the payment from your paycheck? Generally, your employer cannot withhold money from your paycheck….

Digital Marketing

Marketing to Other Businesses

Marketing to Other Businesses Marketing to other businesses, also known as B2B Marketing, is a vital part of many companies’ success. However, it is different than marketing to individuals and requires its own set of strategies and conversion tactics. Effective B2B marketing is difficult to get right. If you don’t target your audience correctly, your…


My views on poetry (A personal review of poetry)

Index Introduction: What makes poetry-poetry? Comment: Maybe my style Free verse Definition of Poetry I Definition of Poetry II (effect) substance of a poem The world of art in words separate emotion On the form of poetry figurative language What is confessional poetry? poetry reading understanding the poets Introduction What makes poetry-poetry? I meet-in my…