My views on poetry (A personal review of poetry)


Introduction: What makes poetry-poetry?

Comment: Maybe my style

Free verse

Definition of Poetry I

Definition of Poetry II (effect)

substance of a poem

The world of art in words

separate emotion

On the form of poetry

figurative language

What is confessional poetry?

poetry reading

understanding the poets


What makes poetry-poetry?

I meet-in my mind-eyes, what can make splendid poetry is: irony, symbolism, resemblance, metaphor, metric arrangement, expression, confession, spontaneity, but at the end of the poem -as at the end of a day – when the reader looks back and all is said and done, they need to ask themselves: “Has it affected me?” but because? A poem should bring some kind of chill, if not some kind of voice to the reader. Again I say, if not, continue to the next poem or page in the book, every poem may not be right for you, just like every song a singer sings is not necessarily the song that influences you.

Poetry in its crudest and rarest form, and its most perverse, arises from spontaneity.

maybe my style

A comment on poetry

I prefer to join the ranks of naturalness, spontaneity, free of rhyming couplets, romanticism and passion, I leave the Elizabethans, to them. I prefer to shift a bit to the 11th century, or just before that era, when the rhyme was modernizing, but not quite in place. Right there, there was a world of nature and mysteries and emotions to write, tell and stories to transmit and memorize: address the times, their cultures and heroes; and then I must take that period, with my threshing floor, and mix it with fragments and dreams, and all that stuff, and let the dead bury the dead. That the artificial ones reproduce half of the literature (they will anyway) and mine the other half. It can be hard to live in a world where critics who write mostly criticism, dismiss themes, dignity, manners, this may be a strong protest against all of that, but poets must reaffirm their right to represent the world, in a clear and genuine. tone, it is our duty. We are passing through, we leave what we write (we infect minds, or produce health), enraged citizens will always be filled with whatever, but those who do not want their pockets to be robbed, expect us to circulate the literature. that he is full of floating thoughts of those things that I have already mentioned. And to these readers, and to generations to come, I write.

Free Verse: Current poetry often has no voice, theme, or even recognizable form. We call this Free Verse, which is the dominant form of Postmodernism; Before this, we had what was called Modernism, where we re-examined what poetry is.

Definition of Poetry I: Each poem is a story, a short story, involving density of language and intensity of imagery, or imagery (mental images); and descriptiveness, metaphors, similes (comparisons).

Effect (Poetry II definition) as a poet, you must ask yourself ‘Did I get the effect I wanted from my poetry?’ maybe you did, and if so, you’re on the right track. I mean I never ask a person this, I prefer to hear what they say about my poetry, and then I can answer the question myself.

substance of the poem

A poem has to have substance to survive…! Something of this substance is in the theme and in the intuition of the poem.

-When writing a poem, like everything in life, one must have a plan, a destination (where do you want to take your reader?), again, this is part of the substance, that will come out later.

-A poem is perhaps the secret life of the poet; it can be his black twin, his me detached from him; this is often the case. Thus the poet and the poem become more of a riddle of despair than a work of art.

The world of art in words

The world of Art, in words, has a definite meaning for me; it is a romance, produced during its stages of creation. like a book As I write it, I refine it, I test it, and finally victory comes: an initial and final romance has taken place. Idleness is never involved, it is a horrible sin, an enemy of the soul. Man should not be idle, if so, the ghost comes out of him, not art.

The world of art in words

The artist appeared on earth.

from behind the sea-

the sun passed over him,

shine just for a moment

to clear the way of words.

#1718 5-3-2007

separate emotion

If you look for the poet inside the poem, look for the background he has left behind, the continual hint of feeling, it should be everywhere, but seldom anyone looks for it, it’s called separate excitement; or poetic art. Yeats uses it. If you missed the font and the beauty, and the exact edge of the poem, which is sometimes called ‘must’, go back and look it up, if you must. I don’t wear as often as I used to and for various reasons I don’t enjoy ordinary.

On the form of poetry

People obsess over structure, trying to pick the right form to use in poetry (perhaps trying to learn its style or approach in the process). I’d rather let it go and blend one idea or event into the next, lest I waste my soul trying to fit it into something that never should have been.

I try to listen to my voice, the one that speaks inside me, if I can find the silence, I will find the voice without pretension, and within that voice are the syllables, the letters, the words, the rhyme and other elements of poetry that you can want to use.

figurative language

(An example): Figurative language, which means words used to refer to something you don’t really mean, is used here to make noises, as metaphors sometimes are.

derived echoes

I’d show you love in a handful of clouds-

Could I find the clouds and find love?

And is love what one really seeks?

Fallen angels had love from heaven

And the lust thing in its place, on earth…!

In hell one loves lust and therefore it would be

Unhappy in heaven I imagine…

Oh! Maybe the allusions are the thread we’re on

Searching…? We are living for…

We live in the age of imagined howls

…with aches and pains on the mind

Fear of death-nymphs (well dressed)

School teachers serving children a wipe

Light; perfect pitch, more questions than

Answer; breaking the harmonic balance!…

(Perhaps underneath all this is love.)

#728 6/2005

What is confessional poetry?

((And why did we write it?)(1-3-2007))

What is confessional poetry? It is when you prepare for the big fall, when you dare to tell everything. Sylvia Plath, Anne Saxton, the perverted Allen Ginsberg; Robert Lowell, of whom I have several books, was a little quieter in his verse than the poets I have just mentioned. Often the “I” or “you” is used in confessional poetry. I find most of this poetry unflattering, which is why I don’t do much of it; it was not meant to be. It is usually personal and autobiographical. The poet usually speaks directly to you, the reader.

When I read Plath, her confessional style seems more fantasy than fiction, but be that as it may, it’s her soul that speaks; one must forget the themes and theme in confessional poetry, explore certain details, process past emotions, events, the author is actually exploring and processing his life in front of you.

The question arose: “Why do they write it?” and a fair question that should be answered perhaps more by a psychologist than a poet, because sometimes one needs to be brutally honest. It seems to me that it would clear the brain and lessen the guilt. Many times, the more you write something, the less powerful it remains. A way to process your bread.

poetry reading

When reading poetry, first read it slowly, paying attention to it, as you do at dinner, then read it slowly a second time, with an open mind, third, read it again, this time, as if you were reading prose. , it will now jump towards you.

Many poems are complex, and perhaps ambiguous, if they are too much for you, throw them away (unless you want to suffer for them, then you are asking for pain and you can receive it).

Get to know the poet you are reading, his story will help you understand why he writes the way he does, maybe his mind will come clearer to yours.

Get rid of your preconceived ideas (prejudices, etc.) while you read and enjoy the experience. If you like poetry and not the poet, because of your prejudices, you have a problem.

understanding the poets

-To understand some poetry, or poets, one must have experienced what the poet has -identical experiences-; or it must be in the form of the poet, the exceptions are from the old school of poetry: one shoe fits all (so understanding the theme, plot and understanding of poetry becomes much easier); of the contemporary scene, you have to have the same shoe size as the poet to understand where the poet is taking you, and in poetry the poet has to have a destiny for the reader, so they don’t care (and should).

-The poet survives perhaps because he is alien (or not so connected) with the world and all its compulsions (suicide is usually on the other side of this coin, if not drugs and alcohol).

-Poetry has achieved something if it makes you reflect on it…; extending this a bit further, (it seems) there will come a day (not so far in the future), when poets won’t even need to know anything about literature (most don’t today); however, poetry is (or should be) considered the highest form of literature.

-Most poets write about love and death, which are perhaps the two main ingredients (or themes) of poetry; some write about social issues, which makes for bad poetry; but it is the “Beauty” that shines above all, and is often, too often, overlooked in lieu of self-interest, or a combination of delusional, confused, negative thoughts, put into writing by a low-key poet. the influence of some kind of chemical. One can enjoy the beauty that surrounds them.

Last words: we as poets must not forget, we influence people, young people in particular, and we have an obligation (if not a duty) to set a good example with the way we live and write.

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