Lifestyle Fashion

How can I not go to hell?

First, let me tell you that Heaven is real and Hell is real. They are a real place, but they cannot be seen by our natural eyes, because they belong to the spiritual realm. Everyone who leaves this Planet Earth at some point or another goes to one of these two eternal places: HEAVEN AND…

Lifestyle Fashion

Beauty Tips: Meet These Simple and Effective Tips

The well-known areas where people show their deep interest in collecting information on beauty tips include: body care, eye care, hair: dandruff, hair: healthy and shiny hair, lip care, skin: blackheads, hair: natural conditioners, skin. – Glowing skin, Hair – Premature graying, Skin – Pimples, etc. There are people, especially women, who are always ready…

Lifestyle Fashion

Attributes of the false narcissistic self

Written by narcissistic abuse expert Randi Fine Narcissistic Abuse Awareness and Guidance with Randi Fine Narcissists feel no more love for the people they associate with than they do for strangers. They may use the word “love” to express their feelings and may occasionally demonstrate appropriate loving behavior, but it is a ruse. They are…