Childhood Trauma: Can Childhood Trauma Make Someone Afraid of People?

Although someone may not be aware of the fact that they fear their fellow man, they may still be aware of the consequences of having this fear. So if someone in this position were to step back and reflect on their life, what might stand out instantly is how hard it is for them to feel comfortable around others.

They can generally feel nervous when in the company of others and this will naturally make it difficult for them to really introduce themselves. The way they typically behave around others will not reflect who they really are.

Other part

It may occur to them that when they feel this way, they are more interested in pleasing others than expressing their true selves. However, while this will be the case, the way they behave could just be seen as what they are.

They could be described as very nervous, calm and even scared of their own shadow. However, although this description, or something similar, may appear to be his personality, it will not actually reflect his true nature.

minimum contact

There could be a number of people in your life; on the other hand, there may not be. Either way, they may prefer to spend time alone or with beings they feel safe around: animals.

Because of how they feel about others, they are likely to find that they lose more than they gain. Therefore, although they will be interdependent human beings who need others, being around them will usually cost them dearly.

survival fashion

The relationships you have with others should recharge you, not wear you down. But, since they are going to spend a lot of time in different survival responses around you, it will be difficult for them to refuel.

What this means is that being away from others will keep them from feeling nervous, but it will also keep them from getting the human contact they need to be at their best. This could be something that stands out after you’ve spent a certain amount of time alone.

Internal conflict

However, as strong as your need to connect with others is, your need to feel at ease, instead of feeling overwhelmed and as if your life is about to end, will be stronger. Not experiencing enough human contact will undermine them, but this could be seen as something they just have to put up with.

Still, their need to connect with others could take over at times, making them more social than they otherwise would be. Now, if during this time you find yourself sexually attracted to someone, you may find it difficult to take the next step.

a challenging time

However, somehow, they could come into contact with someone like that and end up taking things further. The other person could do the move or another person could help them, for example.

As things go, they can feel deeply nourished by so much human contact. However, it may not be long before they start to feel extremely uncomfortable and feel the need to back off.

a confusing time

If this happens, it may be difficult for them to understand why they feel this way and have such a strong need to keep their distance. A part of them will want this experience to continue, but a stronger part of them will want it to end.

This may be an experience they have had before, which can make it even more difficult to deal with. It won’t be a surprise if you end up feeling helpless and hopeless and wonder if someone or something ‘out there’ is in control of your life.

An approximation

If they seek support, they may end up being told that they suffer from ‘social anxiety’ and are ‘afraid of intimacy’. In addition, they could be told that the solution is for them to receive cognitive behavioral therapy, change the way they breathe, and take medication.

Once you resolve your ‘cognitive distortions’, change your behavior, take a deeper breath and resolve your ‘chemical imbalance’, your life will change. If you follow this path, your life can change.

going deeper

What this approach is likely to miss is the fact that the reason one is experiencing life in this way is probably because one is in a traumatized state. As a result, simply changing your thoughts and behavior, forcing yourself to breathe differently, and even taking medication is unlikely to lead to profound change.

The reason they are traumatized may be due to what happened during their early years. This may have been a time when they were abused and/or neglected on a weekly, if not daily basis.

a living hell

The people, or the person, who was supposed to provide them with the love and care they needed in order to grow and develop, would have greatly undermined them. Throughout this time in your life, you may have routinely felt overwhelmed and as if you were about to be wiped out.

To handle what was happening, their body would have frozen and they would have disconnected from themselves; this would not have prevented them from taking damage, but it would have prevented them from being aware of what was happening. This would have been a time when they would not be able to defend themselves or flee; they were totally defenseless.

At least two associations would have been formed at this stage of his life. The first is that other people are a threat to their survival and the second, which is a natural consequence of the first, is that they need to keep people at a distance in order to survive.


If one can relate to this and is ready to change their life, they may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.

Ultimately, based on what they went through as children, the way they experience life as adults is perfectly normal. What happened will be over, but your entire system will freeze in time and respond as if the past were present.

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