Civil Discourse with Andy Corson of Surly

Surly has been quietly revolutionizing the bike world since 1999. Weirdly enough, they’ve been revolutionizing it through the use of practical frame designs and that exotic frame material, steel. From street bikes to off-road bikes to do-anything bikes, Surly offers something for everyone who sees a bike as more than just a toy, status symbol, or exercise piece of equipment.

A few years ago, I emailed Surly. I laid out all the economic reasons why they should build a 27″ road frame. I stated my case in an organized manner, then begged, pleaded, crawled, etc. A short time later, I received an email from Andy Corson of Surly. He complimented me on the structure of my application and politely said “No.”

We had such a nice dialogue on that topic that I’ve called Andy from time to time since our original conversation, asking him questions about the bike industry and generally getting his opinion on various bike-related situations. He’s always been quick, helpful, and insightful, so I thought he might have some interesting things to say for Cycloculture.

Q: What is your official title in Surly?

To: “Manager” of Marketing. That’s with the quotation marks, although you could place them in any word for equal irony.

Q: Forget about marketability and other mundane concerns for the moment. If you could design and produce any bike you wanted, what would it be like? ride how? Resemble?

A: Honestly, it wouldn’t be much different from many Surly models. That may sound corny, but I started working for Surly in large part because his designs and approach made more sense to me than most other things that were and still are. I like the fenders and big tires. I like steel for many reasons, one of which is ride quality. And I like versatile designs that allow for significant customization. Although not everyone will build a unique frankenbike, with a Surly the option is there.

Q: There seems to be a move towards front-loading bike racks these days. Any thoughts on that trend?

A: I’m assuming you’re talking about front platforms or shoes, as opposed to “low rider” front racks and panniers. Most front racks are add-ons, and they go bad when you throw any kind of weight at them, since they’re usually attached to the bar and fork, and they ride high. Some companies alter the geometry of the frame to help accommodate the steering compromised with this type of front platform. Others connect the basket or deck to the frame instead of the bar and fork. I have nothing against front racks, but I don’t use them either. With so many other options that work just as well without a specific framework, I don’t find them very useful.

However, front loaders are part of a larger trend that seems to be growing, a trend of people exploring options and investing in technology to haul things on pedals. From handlebar bags to bikes and complete frames dedicated to cargo, I can’t remember a time when there was such a variety of offerings for hauling stuff on your bike. And that’s the real point I’m trying to make here: it doesn’t really matter if I personally like front racks, because each option has its pros and cons and what works for me may not work for someone else. What matters is that there are options and awareness of the possibility of using the bike for more than just a Sunday cruise.

Q: What is the main difference between a Surly and a custom steel frame?

A: Custom things are personalized. Surly produces some very good quality frames, but they are production frames. When you buy a Surly frame or bike, you don’t get a lighter or heavier tubeset to match your weight and riding style. You don’t get geometry designed just for you. You cannot choose the paint color or put your name on the top tube. There can be some real advantages to buying custom, especially if you don’t fit stock frames, or are an advanced enough rider to notice and benefit from custom-spec tubes and geometry. Or if you want a painting with studs.

However, most people will not benefit in any real way from a custom framework, as many of the benefits are relatively small in the larger scope of what makes a framework good or bad for you. Buying a custom frame is partly about getting the perfect bike to ride and partly about getting the perfect bike to show off. Both are legitimate reasons I guess.

Q: Any chance Surly could build bikes in the US? Or is it simply not possible given the economic realities of today’s global economy?

A: It is doubtful. We have produced products in the USA and have verified domestically made prices for many items. We have encountered many problems and plan to stay with our manufacturers in Taiwan. Most of the world’s bike frames and parts are produced here, and having that hub of infrastructure brings the prices of everything down quite a bit. Many people want things produced in the country, but they are simply not willing to pay for them.

However, it is not just about prices. We are happy with the quality of work our builders do. In fact, we think it’s on par and in some cases better than frames that cost a bit more. We work closely with our agent and manufacturers. This allows us great control over the process and the quality of the things that are produced. It also means that we personally know not only the managers of these companies, but also the employees, the people who weld the frames. We see where and how they work.

When we investigate domestic manufacturing, we repeatedly encounter the same hurdles: prices are much higher, quality is no better, and sometimes worse, supply chains are more irregular. There are some places that could do what we want, but I doubt we can keep our prices even close to what they are, and that would fundamentally change the type of company we are and the things we could offer.

Q: Do you commute to work by bike or car (or something else)?

Kinda. Sometimes I drive, sometimes I travel. I’m fine with owning and using a car, but not for everything. I’ve noticed that there are people who will try to make me feel guilty about this, but outside of the isolated world of bike fanatics, I think it’s representative of a challenge most people face. The fact is, most people aren’t going to give up their cars entirely because it’s impractical. Using a car isn’t fundamentally bad, but using it for everything is just as impractical.

Q: Is the bicycle a practical vehicle in cold, snowy climates like Minnesota?

A: Sure. A bike is arguably better in an urban winter environment, as it can avoid many of the traffic tangles that arise when the weather turns bad. Cars can’t.

Snow is a problem no matter what. You have to have skills to safely drive a car on snow and ice and you also have to have skills on a bike. I find riding a bike in the winter is less stressful than driving. However, cars do not require the level of confidence that bicycles do. It can be a difficult argument to convince people that they can ride a bike in the winter. But then I look out the window and I see the guy who drives past my house every day on a cheap Walmart-style bike, dressed in normal clothes. No studded tires, no wind protection, no special gloves. ’nuff said.

Q: Can you give me an idea of ​​Surly’s basic design and/or corporate philosophy on some awards?

A: We design and produce no-nonsense bikes that work like they’re supposed to, that are durable, practical and versatile. Our stuff is meant to be used every day. We don’t do anything simply because someone else is doing it, be it a business decision or a product.

Q: Does Surly have anything new and exciting in the near future?

A: Yes!

(Editor’s note: $%&*#@!!! I guess Cycloculture will have to grow a bit before it gets scoops like this…)

Q: Do you have something against big fools? Keep in mind that I’m 6’6″ and I know where you work.

A: Why, because we don’t produce an XXL Big Dummy frame? Maybe you could use one as a unicycle.

Q: What else would you like to say?

A: Nothing for me, thanks. I’m full.

Q: What do you like for breakfast?

A: This morning I had raisin bran with rice milk. Pretty good, but a meatball and bacon sandwich would be better.

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