Dream Interpretation 101 – Understanding Baby Dreams

Babies in a dream are quite common. Some people dream of their own babies, while others find themselves caring for babies they don’t have when they’re awake. A baby in a dream represents a new idea. Therefore, the dreamer’s interaction with the babies during a dream will reflect the relationship with her own ideas. For example, if she dreams of being pregnant or giving birth, look for ways in which she is shaping herself and considering new ideas. How she felt about being pregnant or having a baby will show her thoughts about it.

As a dream specialist and teacher in the School of Metaphysics, I enjoy asking people about their dreams to promote dream awareness. Last weekend I met a young woman who told me a dream with a baby in it, which serves as a great case study.

She told me that the other night she dreamed that she met a beautiful baby who, on closer examination, only had one eye like a cyclops. After assessing the situation and deciding that the baby needed two eyes, she visualized and concentrated until there were two eyes. She realized that although there were now two eyes, the eyes needed to be repositioned. She then wanted the baby to have its eyes in the correct position. After achieving her goal, she moved away from her.

The dream interpretation I gave you involved how you saw new ideas in your life. In this dream, there was a pattern of watching and adjusting the baby until the baby was acceptable to her before walking away. This showed how she was considering new ideas in her life, perhaps a creative project she was working on.

Also, the eyes were a central theme in the dream, representing perception. Giving the baby two eyes added depth to her thinking in the same way that two working eyes give us depth perception. She was surprised at how much sense that made in her life. She told me that she was an artist by profession and that she was in the process of creating something new with her artwork.

Here are some things to consider when you remember dreams with a baby in it:

1. Is the baby taken care of in the dream? The baby’s well-being will show how much care and attention you are giving to the ideas in her life.

2. Is the baby yours or someone else’s? This will determine the level of ownership of him with his ideas. If the baby is yours, then there is some responsibility that you have with your ideas. If he belongs to someone else, perhaps it is an externally received idea, be it from someone else, a book, or the media.

3. If you are pregnant in the dream, is the pregnancy healthy or are there difficulties? This will determine how ready you are to give birth to new ideas and creations.

4. Do you recognize the baby from your dream from waking life? If so, the idea is something you are probably aware of in your life. If not, your dream is there to help you become more aware of your thoughts.

Babies in dreams are common, because all creation begins with an idea. Many people invest in learning how to create in their lives, whether it’s a new job, a better relationship, or creating the kind of person they want to become. The next time you have a baby in your dreams, celebrate the opportunity to learn more about yourself and your creativity.

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