Eat healthy while you study

Choose wisely in the cafeteria. The dreaded foods are mostly unhealthy things that people choose in the cafeteria. It can be exciting to have endless options and eat with all your friends, constantly being in an “all you can eat environment”, but it can be dangerous if you don’t have much willpower on the day. You can do that to resist temptations in the coffee shop:

  • Go around the cafeteria before making your choice. Many people eat too much at cafeterias or buffets because they can’t decide what to eat. It helps to read the menu, wander between the different foods, and then choose what makes you laugh the most.
  • If in doubt, choose the salad buffet. Fill your plate with vegetables and garnish with a protein source like chicken, tuna, or tofu. Stay away from thick and creamy salad dressings as they contain extra calories. Consider making your own olive oil and vinegar dressing.
  • You don’t have to limit yourself to just one food. Mixing can help create a complete meal that includes the vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates you need.
  • Leave the dessert. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean you have to eat it. Save dessert for two or three nights a week. If you have dessert, choose a healthy variety like frozen yogurt or muesli instead of cheesecake or brownies.

Keep healthy food at home. Keep fruits, nuts, muesli, and dosage soup in your home. Instead of getting something from the vending machine at home during late night learning, you should nibble on these healthy things. They also saturate you longer and don’t let you break down like energy drinks and candy do.

  • There are numerous varieties of fruit that you don’t have to keep in the fridge, such as oranges, apples, bananas or pears.
  • If possible, get a small fridge for your bedroom storing perishables like yogurt and carrots.

Get up in terms of eating late at night. Students often stay up for long periods of time doing homework or preparing for tests, while snacks are served to keep them awake. But the extra calories from late-night snacking can really add up if you’re not careful. Here are some things you can do to not give in to your urges late at night:

  • Drink tea. Keep a boil of water in your room and drink green, black or herbal tea at night. If you fancy something sweet, add a little honey to your tea. This can also help you stay awake to learn, without feeling like you’re looking to enjoy your coffee.
  • Eat fruit or nuts. If you want to snack at night, choose healthy options like these that provide your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs to function properly.
  • Keep hydrated. People often confuse hunger and thirst. If you want to have a snack but you are not very hungry, you may be thirsty.

If possible, eat at home. Being social is an important part of the college experience and you usually eat or drink. Eating once in a while is fine, but remember that restaurant food contains a lot of butter, fat, salt, and sugar. You’ll also save money by cooking for yourself at home.

  • When eating outdoors, stay away from fried foods, sauces, or dressings. Order grilled or baked food.
  • Avoid fast food restaurants. From time to time it is okay to go to these restaurants, but it should not become a habit.
  • Consider ordering a salad with a protein source (such as salmon or chicken) and have the dressing served on the side.

Lock yourself in while you drink. No matter how healthy you’re eating, the extra calories in alcohol can sabotage your diet. Also, it usually leads to late night snacking when you stay up late and celebrate.

  • When you drink, avoid sweet cocktails or mixed drinks, as they are high in calories. Some cocktails contain more than 600 calories.

You should have a scale in the room. Don’t wait until you can actually see your body weight to start eating healthier. Make things a little easier by having a scale near you so you can weigh yourself from time to time.

  • Always weigh yourself in the morning before you have eaten anything. It should be weighed naked or with little clothing.
  • Taking your weight into account can also help you determine which eating habits are working for you and which aren’t. If you lose in a week, try to remember what you have eaten this week and what kind of sport you have been doing. Try to replicate this routine in the future.
  • You might want to take your measurements since muscle is heavier than fat. Additionally, there may be spurious factors, such as weight through water, that influence the display of the scale.

Stay balanced. While no one wants to bulk up during school, you don’t want to spend all your years obsessing over your body. Keep in mind that being healthy is about finding a balance. It’s okay to reward yourself from time to time; what’s really important is how you balance discipline and long-term enjoyment.


  • Learn to distinguish between hunger and boredom. Many people eat too much because they are hungry, others because they are bored or restless.
  • Drink a full glass of water before each meal to saturate yourself.
  • Consider keeping a nutrition diary to monitor what you eat.

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