Eternity – A conversation with Dr. Deepak Chopra

The concept of Eternity has always fascinated and perplexed me. I have known people who, with joy, never seemed to grow old and I have known who, very sadly, grew old before their time. And so, in an interview I conducted with Dr. Deepak Chopra, I asked him the following question about eternity. What he responded helped put things in perspective around this concept and it has stayed with me forever and served me well. I hope it does the same for you.

Here is my question: Dr. Chopra, you have said that if we could effectively activate the intention not to age, the body would carry it out automatically. Could you explain that?

Dr. Chopra: Yes, because intentions are the triggers for transformation in the body. If you want to wiggle your toes, you do it on purpose. There are two components of biological information in the body, one is intention, the other is attention. So going back to the example I gave you, to wiggle your toes. The first thing that happens is that your attention goes there and the second is that there is an intention, so this biological information with attention and intention is what biological information is given. Consciousness acting as biological information goes to the components, then to an informative component, and then there is a localizing component, and that’s how the body behaves.

If you can wiggle your toes with the mere blink of an intention, why can’t you reset your body clock? The reason most people can’t do it is because, firstly, they never thought about it, and secondly, they think that certain things are easier to do than others. For example, it’s easier to wiggle your toes than to reset your biological clock, but that’s just a belief rooted in superstition. If we could understand that the human body is a network of information and energy, we would see that the same principles apply to all parts of the body.

Veronica: That’s just what I was about to say, something as deep as stopping the aging process, or actually reversing the aging process, you’d think it would have to be implanted at a deep level for it to work.

Dr. Chopra: No, it’s the same mechanism. It’s just that we’ve been indoctrinated to believe that some things are easier, some things are harder. Expectations determine the result, always!

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