Fear of success: 8 characteristics of fear of success

Some people have a real fear of being successful … yes, it’s true! Some people fear success.

And for the person who is afraid of succeeding … the fear is real. Other people around the person may not understand, they often think that the person is being illogical and ridiculous … but the fear is very real and can be a huge obstacle to any real success in life.

How do you recognize the fear of success ?:

  • when you feel something is stopping you
  • deep down you know you’re getting in your own way
  • when you feel like everything is out of control
  • when you easily encounter distractions that prevent you from doing what you need to do
  • when you have trouble concentrating your energy for a long time
  • when you lose motivation
  • when your confidence takes a hit

Any combination of the above can indicate fear of success!

Why it happens? What is the fear of success about ?:

  1. You find change terrifying and you prefer to maintain the status quo … in other words, you prefer to keep things the way they are. Change often involves new experiences that can be seen as terrifying … the fear of the unknown
  2. the belief that once it has succeeded, the expectation will be that it will happen again. This is particularly true for some students. I have met several students who are aware of their ability and believe that they can do well, but also believe that if they do well this time, they are expected to do well another time. To prevent that from happening, they don’t try too hard in the first place. This can happen in all areas of life and at all ages.
  3. Once success has been achieved, expectations rise! People expect more from those who have been successful … and the successful person tends to expect a lot from themselves and from others. Some people cannot handle the pressure of expectations they place on themselves or the expectations of others.
  4. The attention that success can bring can be overwhelming, especially if the person is a very reserved person and does not like to be the center of attention.
  5. Success is often associated with a lack of privacy in personal life, for example, TV celebrities, sports celebrities, royalty … Lack of privacy in personal life can be too high a price to pay for. the success.
  6. Success, particularly in business or work, often leads to major changes in schedules. Some people fear success, fear that their family life will be disrupted, fear that they will have to work unreasonable hours, and fear that their social life will stop.
  7. Success can attract negative feelings like envy, jealousy, anger from others. Friends and family may suddenly treat the successful person differently, they may be envious of the benefits of success, and they may exclude the successful person. For many people, this would be extremely uncomfortable, so it should be avoided at all costs.
  8. success can change your personality and confidence. Success generates certain feelings of accomplishment and accomplishment. Successful people tend to be more self-confident, more outgoing, and more in control of their life. Some people fear change if they are successful

Fear of success is a real problem for some people … and it is a problem that can be solved.

Have you ever been afraid of success? I’ve done it multiple times throughout my life … and I know how it has impacted my accomplishments over the years.

Fear of success is often accompanied by a lack of confidence. Developing and strengthening your personal confidence goes a long way in reducing and eliminating the fear of success.

When your confidence is strong, you are confident in your own ability to cope with the changes that success brings.

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