Five excellent breeds of meat rabbits to start your hatchery

There are more than 45 breeds of rabbits in the world, but only about 17 have a “commercial” body type (large, plump, meaty) that are preferable for meat production. The characteristics that make some meat rabbit breeds better than others are a higher meat-to-bone ratio, rapid growth, coat color, and ease of care.

  1. Californian

    Adult Size: Medium (7-10 pounds/ 3.5-4.75 kilograms)

    California rabbits were developed in the US in the 1920s to provide good meat and fur production. Californians are a cross of Himalayan white, standard chinchilla and New Zealand rabbits and are currently the second most popular meat-producing rabbits in the world. The body is plump but fine-boned. California rabbits closely resemble the Himalayan rabbit with a predominantly white body and black on the feet, nose, ears, and tail. Their average litter size is 6 to 8 rabbits.

  2. New Zealand

    Adult Size: Large (8-12 pounds/3.6-5.4 kilograms)

    Despite the name, New Zealand rabbits were first bred in America in 1916 for meat and fur production and are currently the number one meat rabbit in the United States. They come in several different colors (black, red, and white), but white rabbits are the most popular for meat production due to their large, broad, and muscular bodies. When mature, males weigh 8-10 pounds and females 9-12 pounds. New Zealand rabbits are ready to be slaughtered as fryers after only 2 months. Their average litter size is 8 to 10 rabbits.

  3. florida white

    Adult Size: Small (4-6 pounds/ 1.8-2.7 kilograms)

    Although this rabbit is quite small, it was bred in Florida in the 1960s as a meat rabbit that would also be functional for laboratory use. The coat is white with good density and texture, and they have a compact, fleshy body, short neck, and small head.

  4. palomino

    Adult Size: Large (8-11 pounds/ 3.6-5 kilograms)

    Palomino rabbits have a smaller bone structure than other meat rabbits, giving it a higher meat ratio. But they take a little longer to grow. Bucks weigh between 8 and 10 pounds and usually range from 9 to 11 pounds. Litter size is usually 8 kits, but can range from 6 to 12. Palominos come in two colors: Golden and Lynx. The Golden has an orange/golden brown color (as the name suggests) and the Lynx has a slightly more gray or silver tone to the coat. They have a very docile and friendly temperament.

  5. Beveren

    Adult Size: Medium (8-11 pounds/ 3.6-5 kilograms)

    The Beveren is one of the oldest and largest fur rabbit breeds, originally from Belgium. Its fur can be blue, white, black, brown and lilac. They are a rare breed but well tempered, clean and intelligent. The coat is quite long (about 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches), dense, and shiny. The breed is hardy and well suited for meat production due to the large litter size, the pups grow quite quickly and the females are usually docile and good mothers.

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