Friendship: an unbreakable bond between two true friends

What is friendship? It could mean a special platonic bond between two people. Friendship can mean many things. It is doing things together; sharing a secret, laughing at some cheesy joke, texting just to say “hi,” or calling someone to see how you’re doing, and leaving a piece of cake or a piece of chocolate because you weren’t at the party.

Friendship can blossom and continue for a lifetime. They may be childhood friends, and at some point in their life, their best friend moves away and they lose touch. As a child, you may feel the pains of a lost playmate. You get over your sadness after a few days and find new friends again.

As you get older, you may realize the value of friendship. You need good friends to talk about your problems and share your happiness too. You want someone present in your life who can be your true best friend in all the good and bad times of your life.

Today, it might be a bit difficult to find a true friend. Of course, you have your family as the closest circle of friends. In some ways, you may have to step out of your personal comfort zone and find someone else who can be your potential friend for life. So how does this kind of friendship start?

You can find friends in your neighborhood, at school and at work. You start to make friends because you are together with these people and thus you learn something from each other. You choose your friends based on your similar likes and dislikes, and simply because you enjoy a good bond and great conversation. Also, you look for thoughtful friends who care about you; and as a friend, you would also care so much.

Keep in mind that friendship is a worthy investment. It may not be a financial investment, but rather a great investment in relationships. You make it worthwhile by making friends, being friends with someone, and then creating opportunities to work on this relationship.

There are many good character traits of a true friend. Somehow, keep the most important factors close to his heart. You could never go wrong when friends have these traits in their characters.

On the one hand, a true friend is around to help you in your lowest situation. He is someone you can call on when you are in trouble or someone you can trust for help in difficult times. Once you call, your friend comes and is at your side immediately.

Second, a true friend is someone who supports you emotionally or physically. This person is someone you can confide in with your personal problems, a shoulder to cry on, and someone who will simply listen and not judge. This true friend encourages you and gives you moral support to solve your problems.

Also, a true friend is someone who will fight to defend you. Your friend has your back and protects you from harm. If nasty gossip about you reaches your friend, you can expect a well-prepared attack; heated discussions, arguments, and to a certain extent, things can get physical. Hopefully, there would be no hair pulling and other such defensive reactions.

Also, a true friend is committed to helping you grow spiritually and make you a better person. A true friend completes you and helps you grow. In return, they perfectly complement each other.

Everyone should strive to be a true friend because being one will possibly earn great friends. You can be a true friend since it is under your control; you choose to connect and build unbreakable bonds of friendship with someone who cares about you and loves you no matter what.

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