Goals Vs Intentions, what gives?

I have been sticking to my extra once a day self care practice 90% of the time and it feels amazing! Realizing that some days it won’t happen, but for the most part it will, has made all the difference in feeling good instead of feeling bad. It can be easy to beat ourselves up if we’re not perfect all the time, and for me, if I can do this most of the time, I’m legitimately happy and fulfilled, and that’s really all that matters. What will make you feel good about your goals and intentions this year?

So lately I’ve heard a lot of judgments about the word “goals” and how nobody wants to squash anything else and how that doesn’t feel right. I’ve stripped the layers of this and I hope this helps you see what feels best to you. In today’s article I identify the ego and how it plays a role in this practice.

goals against intentions

What I’ve come to realize is that what bothers people about “goal setting” is that it tends to be about pushing. Push for more, want more, never be satisfied with what you have and keep on living. Simply put, it means that you are not enough. Whatever you have right now is not good enough, which means you are not good enough, since most people measure their self worth by what they do or don’t have and not by who they are on the inside. Its value comes from the external and is not internal.

This is the ego.

Those thoughts that tell you that you don’t have enough and need more. That you need to keep pushing yourself so that one day you can finally feel good enough after having “made it”. Whatever that means.

However, here’s the thing. The ego is never satisfied. So if this is the thought that you identify with and listen to…


You’ll get there only to find out you need more, and the cycle starts all over again.

So when people get annoyed with the term goal setting, what I really believe deep down is that most people set goals out of their ego. And that’s why you feel bad. We are tired of this. We want a new approach that really makes us feel good about who we are now and not like we’re missing something.

What does that look like…


The decision to follow our hearts and what brings us joy, and xoxo.

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