How to avoid a hemorrhoidectomy

Never seem to cure your hemorrhoids? Do they come back again and again each time with worse symptoms? Is it difficult for you to go to the bathroom due to external hemorrhoids?

Then you may need a hemorrhoidectomy. Surgical removal of your hemorrhoids is done under general anesthesia using a scalpel, staples, or laser.

But you don’t have to let things get that far, there are simple actions you can take right now to help your hemorrhoids heal and prevent them from coming back. I’m sure you have your favorite medication for when hemorrhoids strike. Every time it happens, you reach for the same tube of cream or ointment in hopes of finding relief from the itching, aching, and pain of your hemorrhoids. But if that one treatment you trust and rely on worked, why do you keep having to do it more every year?

It’s because most of the available treatments only address the symptoms, they’re not even designed to cure you. Because? So pharmaceutical companies can make even more money off of you. If your meds really did cure your hemorrhoids, I would never have to buy your product again.

However, it is time for you to take responsibility for your body. Time that you took control of what happens to it and how it is affected by your daily routine. By following simple and proven rules, you can gradually change your lifestyle a little every day. Small steps that in a few months will be something natural for you. You will feel healthier, you will be able to lose excess weight, and you will be able to prevent your hemorrhoids from coming back.

I bet you are thinking “It will be very difficult to change my lifestyle, I like everything the way it is”.

Do you like to be in constant pain? Do you like the fact that your friends and co-workers PRETEND to ignore that you constantly pick your ass? Do you like the fact that you get nervous every time you have to have a bowel movement due to trauma and pain? I don’t believe it.

These three little tips that I am going to share with you are easy to follow. They don’t interrupt your busy schedule and can save you from having major surgery and weeks of post-operative pain and follow-up visits to the hospital to see a surgeon.

Tip 1

Throw away your tried and tested treatment. It doesn’t work if it did, you wouldn’t be reading this.

Choose a product that not only addresses your symptoms, but also addresses the root cause of your hemorrhoids. In general, choose a product with natural ingredients that can relieve pain and also help your digestive system or soften your stool with the use of fiber supplements.

tip 2

Drink half a glass of water every hour and just before eating. Water is essential for life, but it also helps digest food. Water makes bowel movements easier and prevents stool from becoming dry, hard and painful to pass. An added bonus is that drinking half a glass of water before a meal can make you feel full and eat less and you could start to lose weight.

Tip 3

If you like your morning cereal frozen, then you’re piling up trouble. Get rid of high-sugar cereal products and replace them with natural bran, muesli or oatmeal. Now for the special bit take a banana and a pear, cut them up and add them to the cereal. Banana is an energy food that releases its energy over a long period of time helping you to have more energy for longer. The pear is very gentle on the stomach and aids digestion.

That’s it, three really simple tips that can prevent you from suffering the trauma of a hemorrhoidectomy. So easy to follow and yet so effective in improving your chances of beating hemorrhoids for good. You will also feel much healthier and begin to enjoy life without the miserable burden of hemorrhoids. It is up to you now to take the next step and make the change, it is much easier than you ever thought possible.

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