How to cure pimples quickly and effectively

Acne is a condition that affects approximately 20% of adults and 85% of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 24. It is estimated that a whopping 60 million Americans have active acne. With these numbers, it’s no surprise that you might be struggling with acne and pimples at least some of the time.

The problem is that pesky pimples seem to rear their ugly little inflamed heads at the most inopportune times. Acne seems to break out the day before prom, the morning of your wedding, or when you’re getting ready to go on that all-important first date with Mr. or Mrs. Wonderful.

When you have that unexpected breakout, there are a few things you can do to minimize inflammation including redness and swelling, or you can get rid of the pimple altogether.

There are over the counter remedies that work well or you can choose to visit your doctor. He or she can give you injections into the lesion that make the pimple less noticeable, even invisible, almost immediately. However, if you want to use natural acne cures, you can try these things.

Drink plenty of water at least ninety ounces a day. Mist your face to open the pores and clean them, then rinse with cold water to close the pores and prevent more bacteria from entering.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid overly processed and spicy foods. Use natural ingredients like tea tree oil and honey as these have antibacterial properties.

Change towels and bedding regularly and remember to always pat your skin dry rather than rubbing it, as this will further irritate it.

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