How to instill good values ​​in your child

Have you ever wondered how to instill good values ​​in your child? Experience shows that most parents and teachers choose one of three different systems to reach that goal. One such system produces children who lack good values. The second routinely instills good values. The third system works, and it works well when parents consistently follow it. The secret? Your child will love the flags.

Let’s look at these systems together.

(1) MUZZY SYSTEM: This method of instilling values ​​sees the body of moral values ​​as a big gray area full of whims, that is, actions or ideas that are erratic and unpredictable. This system tries to instill good values ​​in your child through actions or ideas that jump from here to there. You can never really pin them down. You can never really say, “This moral value requires this kind of behavior, and these are the positive and negative consequences of that behavior.”

I saw the muzzy system in action a month ago in our community. Being on friendly terms with the executive vice president of the community management team, we had a friendly discussion about enforcing the written rules that govern the community. At the end of the discussion, the executive vice president stated, “There’s always this big gray area.”

Really? Our discussion focused on legally binding community regulations, but she found it difficult to predict what action, if any, she and her team might take with a non-compliant resident. Once residents discovered this wiggle room, the violations increased. If we imagine the administration’s attempts to enforce the lease as a giant television screen, we see a “snow” storm of confused reception. Their lease compliance remains erratic, unpredictable and never in focus.

Do you know how to instill good values ​​in your child with the muzzy system? Throw away the system. You cannot instill good values ​​in your child with a vague gray carpet of ambiguous ideas.

(2) MONOCHROME SYSTEM: A parent or teacher using this system to instill good values ​​in children sees moral values ​​in a monochrome scheme of sharp black and white. Unlike the confusing system, this choice presents clear concepts of right and wrong. These concepts never change. Honesty never jumps from total adherence to the truth once to permissible little white lies another time. Parents don’t present moral values ​​as erratic, unpredictable behaviors that require action today and action tomorrow.

Try to apply this system to the previous management team. What would I have to change about that “great gray area”? The team would have to make it clear to all residents that they see regulations in black and white, not grey. They would have to insist on compliance, indicating the immutable consequences of non-compliance. Ultimately, they would have to act to achieve compliance.

For many centuries, parents who wanted to instill good values ​​in their children used the monochrome system with great success. Parents taught clear distinctions between black and white when it came to moral values. They helped children structure their lives around moral values ​​literally set in stone: The ten Commandments.

This method of instilling good values ​​in children still works for parents who work diligently to shape their own lives with robust character traits. If you qualify as a strong-willed parent, use the monochrome system to instill good values ​​in your child. Teach them clear, well-defined honesty instead of vague, unpredictable honesty. Teach them a self-control that never operates on a whim, one that stays on the right moral path regardless.

Learn how to instill good values ​​in your child with the monochrome system, and you’ll never be at a loss as to which action to choose.

(3) VIBRATION SYSTEM: Decades before we hit 2019 (as I write this article), our society became a vibrant society with vivid colors! Since the creation of the Earth, humans have lived with color. The sky, the water, the ground, the plants, the animals, and the human bodies all pulsed with a rainbow of colors. Then emerging technologies made vibrant colors available in everything from television and movies to the clothes we wear. We quickly go from hazy to monochrome to vibrant, but we rarely use it to instill good values. Why?

Think about how you and the adults you know view values. You may see a gray block. I speak as a professional educator when I say that children do not learn better in gray. Give them a piece of paper that represents a huge gray square and ask them to describe the good values ​​they see. they can’t. They see nothing but a gray box. Schools don’t use gray to teach math, science, etc.

You may see black and white. Children can and do learn from monochrome black and white. Write the list of 66 character traits blank on a board, ask the children to describe the good values ​​they see and can live up to. Schools use black and white to teach math, science, etc. – but not exclusively. They use color, and I want to draw your attention to that.


Good values ​​exist in beautiful, rich colors like the vibrant colors of the flags of most nations. Did you know that the colors used on flags often symbolize specific good values? What more memorable way could you use to instill good values ​​in your child?

Purchase a flag or flag picture and see the world through your child’s eyes.

Start with the flag of your own nation. It will likely have red, white, and blue. Twenty-nine (29) nations use these three colors on their flags. Those nations often associate a common symbolism with red, white, and blue, and a flag can be your first tool in teaching your child these values.

  • Red, a symbol of a nation’s struggle, represents courage.

  • The white represents purity, peaceY Unit.

  • blue means courage, Justice, loyaltyY perseverance.

You can instill those eight good values ​​in your child by using a real flag or a photo of a flag. Teach the colors one at a time. Teach the specific values ​​of a color one at a time. In other words, you’ll want to spend 8 to 11 teaching sessions on the values ​​symbolized by red, white, and blue. You want the child to know how each value behaves, how to act. Give them examples and set up opportunities within the home for regular practice.

Connect other colors of the flag to specific moral values ​​to help your child see with “vibe” and long-remember character traits they value.

Use light red or pink hearts to instill to love as described in pictures and words at: Explain that love is not just warm feelings. True love requires action. True love works. Help your child understand and engage in specific loving actions on a regular basis.


We could give more clues on how to instill good values ​​in your child, but this article would exceed the limits of space. Find out for yourself, or create your own color symbolism by letting your child draw and color illustrative flags. Post them in your child’s room as “to-go” reminders. Use them for review, but most important of all: practice these values ​​consistently as a role model for your child.

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