How to Register for Your Baby Shower

Are you a new mom-to-be who is excited to register for your baby and baby shower but have no idea what to select? Well, most moms-to-be are scared, so here are some tips.

One thing I recommend to all my pregnant friends is to bring a friend who has gone through the process with you to help you through the registration process, whether online or in-store. Start browsing online before you go so you can read reviews and see a lot of options that may not be available in-store. You can also learn about safety features and color options online.

Once you get to the store where you want to check in, you’ll need to find the location in the store where you check in to get an account and get the machine that scans all the items on your list for you. If you bring your partner, they will have a lot of fun scanning the items for you.

There are seven main categories to focus on when checking in your baby: Nursery, Clothing, Baby Items, Mommy, Feeding, Diapering/Bathrooming, and Safety.

For your nursery, you should consider items like your crib, changing table, rocker, crib bedding, blankets, and crib mattress.

Clothing: overalls, long-sleeved overalls, socks, pajamas, and hats.

Baby equipment: stroller, infant and toddler car seat, infant carrier, infant swing, pack-n-play and more.

For Mom: If you’re breastfeeding, you need to sign up for a baby pillow, breast pads, nursing accessories, nipple cream, and diaper bag.

Feeding: bibs, burp cloths, bottles, bottle sterilizer, breast pump, extra nipples and more.

Diapering/Bathing Your Baby: Diapers, wipes, diaper pail, creams, powders, towels, baby tub, and wash cloths.

Safety is a priority, so make sure you have items like a first aid kit, thermometer, baby bottle, outlet covers, baby monitor, cabinet and drawer locks.

Some people think that the more expensive an item is, the better it is for you and your baby, but that’s not always the case. Also, remember that if you go for all the big-ticket items, some people may find it difficult to buy things for you, so be sure to select a wide range of prices.

Don’t choose everything from the same brand. Give yourself a little variety. You can still stick to your theme of choice among different brands.

Walk through all the aisles and be sure to sign up for as much as you can and go ahead and include toddler items like your convertible car seat, booster seat, big kid toys and more.

Use our printable checklist to guide you through the process.

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