How to sing: 7 tips to avoid dry mouth when singing

There is nothing worse than opening your mouth to sing and nothing comes out. This is a problem many singers face, but there are some simple tricks you can use to prevent this from happening to you. Here are my favorite tips for keeping your vocal chords lubricated and ready to sing with perfect pitch.

  1. Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water before a performance. It may sound obvious, but many of us don’t drink enough water. If you feel thirsty, it is very likely that you are already dehydrated. Keep a drink bottle with you and get in the habit of taking a sip regularly. It will become second nature in no time.
  2. ginger. Many of my singing friends recommend drinking ginger tea before a performance. When I was learning to sing, I found ginger ale helpful. Try them out and find which one you prefer. Often if you’re singing in a club, it’s easy to get ginger ale if nothing else is available.
  3. Drink lemon water. Simply cut up a whole lemon and place it in a pitcher of water. Some people prefer lemonades or soft drinks. It can be really refreshing.
  4. Avoid very cold drinks and ice. Instead, try warm water or teas. Many singers say that this helps warm up the vocal cords. Obviously this is a personal preference. Try it yourself to see if it helps to relax your voice.
  5. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages before a performance. They have a tendency to make you feel dehydrated, which is the exact opposite of what you want.
  6. Avoid dairy products or anything that produces mucus. You may find that too much of these will make you constantly clear your throat.
  7. Keep away from smoky or dry environments. This can cause real strain on the vocal cords. A humidifier can be helpful if possible.

Sometimes it’s hard to avoid a dry throat, especially when the nerves are involved. The next step is to work on your confidence. Know that you are awesome and go out there and show off your stuff. Show the world what you’re made of, even if you have a frog in your throat. The more you do, the easier it becomes.

When you’re learning to sing, it’s best to try a few different things to see what works best for you. I hope these tips help you avoid a dry throat!

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