Information about the male hormone testosterone

Testosterone is well known as a male hormone that is produced by testing and plays an important role in the sexual life of men. This hormone increases muscle strength, bone mass, libido, sperm production, and secondary characteristics in men. The decline in testosterone hormones begins as men age. You can maintain the level of the testosterone hormone in your old age by taking a healthy diet along with physical exercise.

Low production of male hormones in the body can increase the chances of problems like mood swings, low energy, low libido, and erectile dysfunction. The problem of prolonged stress reduces the production of sex hormones.

Natural way to increase testosterone.
For the natural production of sex hormones you can consume foods that contain much more zinc. Zinc reduces the rate of conversion of testosterone to estrogen (which is a female hormone). Zinc is also helpful in producing healthy sperm and reducing the chances of low sperm count in men. In the market you can easily find the different types of foods that contain more zinc like oysters.

Include Omega 3 fatty acids
There are few healthy fats like monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fats that increase the level of sexual desire. You can increase the level of sex hormones by adding natural foods such as nuts, seeds, salmon, tuna, vegetable oils, butter, and dairy products.

Cut extra body fat
Obese people always suffer from low libido due to low production of sex hormones. The reason behind this problem is a higher conversion rate of testosterone into estrogen hormones. Body fat contains the aromatase enzyme which improves the conversion rate of female hormones in the body and your testosterone level will drop.

healthy sleep
Those people who suffer from sleep disorders always experience low sexual desire due to low production of sex hormones. The production rate of the sex hormones is always higher at night compared to the day. The body produces 30% more sex hormones during sleep time than the reasons why you always feel more sexual desire in the morning. This is necessary to sleep more than 8 hours daily for the highest level of testosterone hormones.

Reduce stress
There is no doubt that a higher level of stress can reduce the growth of testosterone hormones in the body. So always live a pleasant life by avoiding stress with the help of breathing exercises and meditation.

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