Is it illegal to copy Wii games?

The only claim I see floating around the internet on a regular basis is that making copies of your Wii games is illegal. Is this true? Can I copy Wii games? Yes and no depending on your circumstances and the reasoning behind doing so. I’m going to explain different scenarios, which can get you in trouble and which are perfectly fine to do.

First of all, I advise you to check the local copyright laws in your area as they may differ from place to place. As of writing this article, in my area these scenarios I provide are correct, some are legal and some are illegal, however things can and do change. So stay up-to-date and stay out of trouble.

Did I borrow a disc from a friend and want to make a copy?

We have all been there many times. Your friend has a great time, and he doesn’t stop bragging about how brilliant he is. Finally they complete it and leave it to you. Under your terms, copy the Wii game and return the original disc immediately. In this situation, this is illegal! Since you are not the owner of the disc, you were not the original purchaser of the video game. Therefore, this is against copyright laws and could cause you serious problems. Tell your friend that you can borrow the game, but not copy it. You will just have to wait until you complete it to get it back. That is if you are willing to wait!

I just rented a video game from the game store, now I want to make a copy

I’ve seen this numerous times where people rent a new game they want for 2-3 days. Before having to return the disc, they decide to make a backup copy of it. Therefore, they do not have to re-rent this game and are also avoiding paying full price for the game. Again this is illegal! You haven’t bought the game yourself and you risk getting into big trouble if you get caught. Do not do it!

I have a video game, but I want to make copies and give it to my friends / family

This time, check the correct box in terms of owning the game yourself. Yes, it is your personal game. However, it is not allowed to make copies and then distribute them for free! You can only create backups for personal use and not to provide to others. Your friends and family may pressure you to do so. But stay strong and say no. It is not worth paying the heavy fines if you are trapped.

Can I copy my video game and then sell it for profit?

No way! This is the worst thing you can do and it will get you in a lot of trouble. Yes, people do this, and yes, you can buy copied games in some places. But it is illegal to copy games and distribute them for profit.

So what can I do?

You are allowed to back up and copy games for your personal use. Which means that if you originally purchased the game, you can create a duplicate in case the master copy is damaged or lost. This is legal, but remember that you must not distribute or market these copies.

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