Is sitting bad for you? How an ergonomic chair can help

Sitting is something the average person does far too often. From work (where many of us sit for eight or more hours a day) to driving, eating, and watching TV, we commonly spend far more time sitting than not.

Being sedentary – The effects

Most of us know that spending too much time sitting is not good for our health. Recent studies have even shown that sitting for 11 hours a day (including free time) can increase the risk of premature death.

Even for those who are physically fit, too much time in a sitting position can lead to difficulties with metabolic functions, increased levels of HDL (or “bad”) cholesterol, higher triglycerides, and insulin desensitization. This translates into possible heart, stomach, and vascular problems.

Ways to be healthier

Fortunately, there are things we can do to offset the effects of spending so much time sitting on our butts. If your job requires you to be sitting all the time, you can reduce the time you spend in this position by participating in leisure activities before and after work.

For example, if your job is within walking distance of your home, consider walking or biking to your place of work. If you take public transportation, even getting off a few stops earlier at the one closest to your home or office can give you some extra exercise.

Also, consider eating standing up for some meals. Many people eat breakfast and/or lunch on the go, so these can be great times to eat and be on your feet.

Another thing you can do is invest in an elliptical or treadmill for your home. This means you can still watch the shows and movies you love without spending hours on the couch. Can’t afford this equipment? Think about joining a gym and getting your TV fix there, while you work out.

Ways to make your time sitting more comfortable

Many people experience additional side effects from being immobile, especially in the office. Common complaints are back, neck and/or shoulder pain. If you use a computer a lot, wrist and hand pain are also common.

While it may be unavoidable that you’ll need to park permanently during work hours, there are things you can do to make that time more comfortable. The use of seats that have special features to compensate for these discomforts can be of great help.

Ergonomic back pain chairs have numerous adjustments to help make you more comfortable.

One of them is lumbar support. The lumbar support pushes out part of the back of the chair to support the lower back with the shape of the backrest or with special devices, such as a pneumatic lumbar support.

Armrests, footrests, and headrests are also great options that many ergonomically designed chairs implement. You can usually adjust the height of the footrests and headrests to correspond to a level where they feel most natural when you’re in the chair. Armrests can also sometimes be adjusted in terms of height and/or removed for when they are not needed or practical.

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