Isn’t it hypocrisy to use constitutional guarantees selectively ?: 7 examples

Although the level and degree of hatred, prejudice, bias, bigotry, and vitriol may be perhaps the most obvious concerns, today, I am extremely concerned about how some of these people, wrap themselves in the Constitution, selectively applying specific aspects, of this amazing document, when it serves your purposes, while often ignoring / denying, those who are at odds with your personal / political agenda, and / or your own interest! Perhaps, much more than ever, in recent memory, we observe this behavior, so often, these days! The level and degree of hypocrisy would be ridiculous, if it weren’t as well, it would have the potential to be dangerous! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss 7 examples concerning the current day.

1. Selective and selfish application of the First Amendment: When certain groups of people state that it is their First Amendment right to protest, complain, and use any language and rhetoric, they support their position, while, trying to deny, those who disagree, these individuals, are, in … better, hypocrites. Even these rights are limited, because, for example, you are not allowed to shout, Fire, in a theater, or using language, which endangers others.

two. First amendments, versus public health and safety: When, we observe, a protester claims that it is his constitutional right, to refuse to wear a mask, or, to refuse to consider social spacing, and the current dangers, inherent in crowds, shouldn’t general public health and safety Are they at least equally important?

3. Questionable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment: Our Founding Fathers created the Second Amendment, in order to preserve the right of states to have a militia, to protect themselves, against the invasion of foreign powers, etc. While people were given the right to bear arms, he did not mean that that right was unlimited, because no one could have imagined, at the time, when rifles took about two minutes to reload, the inherent risks of automatic rifles. , semi-automatic, etc! Even in the Wild West, many cities limited weapons and especially establishments, such as taverns, etc. You are a hypocrite if you defend your right to bear unlimited weapons, and claim that it is your second amendment right. There must be some common sense!

Four. Quoting the Fifth Amendment, when appropriate: Although the Fifth Amendment is supposed to protect us against self-incrimination, how many times have we witnessed the same people complaining and criticizing others, when they use that defense, demand it, for themselves, when it seems convenient!

5. Eighth Amendment: The Eighth Amendment is supposed to defend us against unreasonable bail and cruel and inhuman treatment, yet few of those who often complain about their political opponents, raising the Constitution, downplay the rights of others.

6. Ninth Amendment: The Ninth Amendment states that any right / freedom, not specifically mentioned, becomes the rights of the people and not of the government. However, this does not mean, no matter what, but rather, unless / until new laws are enacted!

7. Tenth Amendment: The Tenth Amendment, discusses the Rights of the States, and the states, the Federal Government, cannot, unilaterally, impose its will, when it conflicts, with a specific law, unless / until the state law is considered illegal by the Courts.

I am sick and tired of hypocrites and those who selectively apply certain parts of the Constitution, ignoring those they consider inconvenient. Wake up, America, and defend, all rights, in common sense, in a way!

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