Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Umbrella Stroller Review

If you are a parent with twins or 2 young children and are looking for an all-weather stroller that can be used on all types of terrain, then the Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Umbrella Stroller could be the ideal stroller for you. .

Kolcraft has made comfort and convenience top priorities with the Jeep Wrangler and has built in some great features to ensure your little ones stay comfortable all year long, rain or shine. Does the Jeep Wrangler deliver on all counts? Read on to find out.

Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Umbrella Stroller Features

  • Rollable for cool weather to increase air circulation
  • Individual passenger canopies that easily adjust
  • Ergonomically designed, soft padded handles.
  • Off-road wheels for a super smooth ride
  • Independent reclining seats
  • Removable cup holder for parents.
  • 3 cargo bags to store equipment
  • 3-point quick release buckle

easy assembly

Assembling the Jeep Wrangler stroller is a quick and easy process. The stroller comes almost assembled right out of the box. You just need to fit the wheels, then slide the axles through the wheels and finally secure them with a pin.

Other than this, the parent cup holder and canopy are the only things needed to attach to the stroller.

enjoy all year

For me, the standout feature that the Jeep Wrangler offers is the cool-weather roll-up. Simply pull the harness off the back of the seat, then roll it up and velcro it on. This exposes the mesh, which is great for increasing air circulation and ensuring your kids don’t get hot or uncomfortable in inclement weather. While rolled up, the seat back acts as a pillow providing extra comfort for your child’s head.

Individual passenger canopies are included for both seats that can be adjusted for the amount of shade needed. These are a bit too small though in my opinion.

quick fold

The umbrella quick fold system makes folding the stroller a breeze. A small lever has arrows indicating to push it to the left and then up, allowing the stroller to fold compactly.


The Jeep Wrangler is very light, compact and durable, making it perfect for travel. The large all-terrain wheels provide a smooth ride regardless of the surface. A lever is included which is located above the front wheels. This locks the wheels in a straight position from spinning, making maneuvering over rougher surfaces much easier. The soft foam padded handles have a nice feel and give you a secure grip that makes pushing the stroller an enjoyable experience.


Not much storage space is provided as there is no basket included underneath. There are 2 removable cargo bags located on either side of the stroller, they don’t provide a lot of space, but still have enough room to fit smaller items such as a small toy or bottle.

final thoughts

The only drawbacks are the small size canopies and the seat weight limit is only 35lbs per seat so for some older children it may not be suitable. The lack of storage underneath can also be an issue for some, though I found the provided side-loading storage adequate enough.

Overall, the Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Umbrella Stroller is a great choice if you have 2 kids and want a stroller that is lightweight, functional, and can be used just about anywhere year-round.

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