LCD support: safe and secure

LCD televisions are very popular and have almost replaced older television models. They are usually very thin and have great images. Most LCD televisions are of the high definition variety. LCD televisions are a bit different than traditional televisions in that they must be mounted on the wall or require a specific type of stand in order for them to sit upright.


When talking about mounting, it usually refers to hanging it on the wall, like hanging a painting. There is special equipment that is required to ride. There is specific mounting hardware that is used to mount the TV on the wall. An LCD bracket usually comes as part of a kit. The LCD bracket comes in different sizes to support different weights. The weight usually matches the size of the screen. The larger the screen, the greater its weight. For proper mounting, it is necessary to ensure that the LCD screen bracket is designed to support the weight of the TV to be mounted. All kits on the market will clearly state the maximum load for that specific kit.

Kits usually come with step-by-step instructions and will clearly detail the tools that are required. It’s probably best to have someone nearby to help mount the TV, as it can be heavy and lifting it onto the stand may require more than one person. The entire project should take no more than an hour.

LCD mounts

Wall mounting is not the only option for an LCD TV, there are brackets that sit on the floor that an LCD TV can be mounted on. The stand is usually a piece of furniture much like a conventional wall unit or entertainment center. The top or top of the bracket will have one or two LCD mounts. The TV slides on the bracket and is suspended from it. There are mounts that don’t have any brackets at all, but instead the LCD TV is supported from the bottom, these types of mounts don’t offer as much support as the mounts that have the LCD mount that the TV can be secured to.

LCD televisions are the wave of the future; Actually, it is now difficult to find a traditional TV.

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