Meditation for those who like it simple

Although I practice meditation regularly, I myself am no stranger to the endless chatter of the inner voice that must speak due to stress, discomfort, worry, or simply overload.

To find my zen at a moment’s notice or need to escape, quiet and calm, I’ve devised a simple and quick method for even the loudest and most opinionated chatter.

Binaural beats are brainwave training technology designed to put your brain in the same active state as when using traditional mediation techniques. Many people, especially beginners to meditation, often get lost and discouraged and therefore abandon meditation and miss out on the benefits of this luxurious, organic state of calmness and resolve.

Brainwave training will get you into the meditative state easily and quickly. It allows anyone and everyone to use meditation as a tool for personal growth, relaxation, or spiritual practice. All you need is a pair of headphones and an MP3 player! You can search for Binaural Beats Meditations on YouTube or find various downloads.

Listen to binaural beats when you want to go into a meditative state, relax, gain mental clarity, engage your intuition for spiritual alignment, as well as repeat affirmations and do guided imagery or simple visualization.

Ujjyi breathing can also be incorporated. This is a breathing technique also known as ocean breathing. To begin, inhale slowly through your nose with your mouth closed, filling your body with oxygen starting from the lower abdomen, to the ribs, to the chest, to the throat. Now exhale through your nose, starting at your throat, down to your chest, down to your ribs, down to your lower belly. Use this amazing technique to relax your muscles and slow your heart rate, creating a sense of calm and peace in your mind and body.

I suggest starting with your Ujjyi breath a few moments before you start listening to your binaural beats and then continuing to use this breath throughout the session.

I recommend finding a 7-15 minute binaural meditation to start with and try at least once a day to start a routine of comfort and calm for your soul…

Incorporating the use of essential oils can help create a calming space and guide you toward a serenity-filled routine. Peace and Calming by Young Living is my essential oil of choice in a meditative state.

Peace & Calming® essential oil is a smooth, sweet blend of ylang ylang, orange, mandarin orange, patchouli, and blue tansy. This fragrant oil is a wonderful addition to your meditation, nighttime routine, or playtime with the kids. With a fresh and comforting aroma, Peace & Calming oil creates a relaxing environment that is especially good for homes with children. This multipurpose oil can be used as part of your children’s bedtime routine, and afterwards for you to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a home of little dreamers tucked safely into bed.

For those of you who prefer a guided meditation, turn on your diffuser, sit in a relaxing space and start your Ujjyi breath, now start your binaural beats and read carefully with your eyes open or closed.

Take a deep breath in… exhale slowly. Relax all the muscles in your body. Inhale… Exhale… Inhale… Exhale… Let your breath take you deeper and deeper into relaxation… Let your body feel heavy… as if you are sinking into the ground. .. Inhale… Exhale… Inhale… Exhale… Imagine that you are standing on a beautiful fluffy cloud… There, in the middle cloud, is a delicate bubble. Slowly walk up to the bubble and start tapping it gently with your fingertips. Back and forth… up and down and around the fluffy cloud. See how playing with the bubble makes you feel… Now imagine that the negative feelings you have are inside the bubble… Anger… Frustration… Sadness… Stress… Anxiety… There they are , snuggled up, inside the bubble that is gently tapping… Back and forth… up and down and around the fluffy cloud. On your touch, you raise your arm SUPER high… and punch the bubble skyward and away from your cloud. There he goes… flying through the air… taking his negative emotions with him. The bubble gently lands on another cloud. They’re gone…all those negative emotions you felt are gone. You feel much better… much more relaxed… Your heart is full of love… happiness… You smile as you look across the sky and see your negative emotions so far away from you. . Inhale… Exhale… Inhale… Exhale… Inhale deeply and imagine that your whole body is filled with love and happiness. You deserve to feel love… to feel happiness… Inhale… Exhale… Inhale… Exhale…

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