Mental activity vs. physical activity in marketing

This article addresses the issue of whether one can attract or magnetize circumstances without taking “action.” His intention is to create a better understanding in their minds about the use of mental and spiritual laws for success and the relationship between mental and physical action and work.

let’s get mental

Yes indeed, marketing your business is an activity. But that doesn’t mean the activity is necessarily “physical.”

Mental activity is thousands and thousands of times more powerful than physical activity. In fact, mental activity is a precursor to proper physical activity that gets results. However, physical activity is not necessarily necessary if you understand and apply mental activity. It’s not magic. Is the law. As I like to say, once you understand how the laws work, the “supernatural” becomes quite natural. You realize that the Universe is truly magnetic and that thought and feeling have more vibrational pull than any magnet you can imagine.

So I think it behooves anyone who wants to be successful to be aware of the relationship between mental and physical activity and to know when either is indicated. There is the right mental activity, which by itself can attract without the need for physical activity AND there is the right mental activity that inspires a corresponding correct physical action/activity that produces results. If the correct mental activity is not included, one will end up like the majority of the population: doing and doing, acting and acting but not succeeding.

You are using these laws all the time, whether you realize it or not. Only, most likely, you are not using them for the purpose and intent that you consciously want. How many things have you attracted into your life that you feel you did nothing to deserve and wondered, “Why did this happen?”

You didn’t “work” for those things. However, they happened. Why? These results were the outcrop of thoughts and impressions that were subconsciously established in your mind.

Now, the laws that I am presenting to you do not indicate that you should sit all the time doing nothing. I won’t even address that because it’s just ridiculous. I think I’m articulate enough in my writing to get my meaning across, if you read carefully.

However, the absolute truth is that yes, we can attract circumstances to us without physical action. I have lived my life achieving that way. When you fully understand that thoughts are things and that all physical things are in motion and vibrating at the molecular level, you will understand that it is indeed a magnetic Universe and that we can vibrate for our good and it can vibrate for us. I know that without knowledge in this area, it may seem fantastic, but that is why I try to speak in simple terms to create understanding and acceptance in your minds.

How can I know?

What is my experience? In 20 years I have never looked for a client (and my clients are the largest corporations in the world). I never advertised, never actively promoted. And yet, I became famous in my field and received all the exposure and publicity I could want, not as a result of something I did physically, but as a result of the mental activity I learned to do. The physical part comes AFTER I receive the clients and the opportunities, that’s when I fulfill the creative vision of the client’s projects. I attract all the ideas and elements necessary to do the perfect job. It is easy. Flowing. I don’t have to fight, push, try or waste energy. The correct answers really “come out of nowhere” for the most part. You can find some pretty amazing stories on my website detailing my results using these laws over the years.

But the real marketing of my business – always responsive, never active, except to go through the doors that were opened as a result of mental activity.

You will see several front page newspaper stories on my website (those were just a few of several hundred articles around the world). Articles started within six weeks of starting my business and continued for years. There were also numerous television and radio segments. You’ll have to believe me when I tell you that I didn’t have a publicist and I didn’t work for any of that publicity. Physical labor, that is. The work was done on a mental level.

Cruise control

So when you apply these laws, whether from a purely mental point of view or from a spiritual basis, you are guided to the actions that are necessary because the law has to produce what you have mentally accepted. You are no longer spinning your wheels, you are now on an automatic path to your results and to your success.

You establish, you imbue the thought and feeling of what you want in your deepest mind. You are intuitively guided to DO all the things necessary for the result. You follow the clues. You do the outside work as you are told to do. It also ATTRACTS all things necessary for the result. In fact, the result may come without any external physical action on your part, or it may require action, but the action will show itself to you. You are in the flow.

There is a feeling of connection to a source of wisdom that knows all the answers and you can access that source anytime you want. You will know when to sit still and do the mental work and wait and when to take external action and do the work that will result in your success.

The alternative? You work and you work and you fight and you fight and you don’t get there. And I wonder why you don’t succeed.

So… dismissing the idea of ​​attracting and magnetizing your good, even “out of the blue”, whether in your personal life or in your business, only reveals a lack of awareness and a mind that is not open to infinite possibilities. around us. It indicates a mentality that is not keeping up with the times or open and receptive to the great discoveries of our time that can promote our success.

My point… it can close your mind and limit your ability to succeed. Or you can open your mind, expand your vision to include both the physical/active world and the mental/magnetic world and…be truly successful!

© Copyright 2004 Marilyn Jenett

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