My clients don’t pay me, now what?

The question: My client does not pay me? I have to go to bed?


It happens, that’s all I can say. And to continue working as a freelancer and from the comfort of your home, you will have to accept it. One of the biggest advantages of working from home is being able to organize your time and dictate your own schedule. The biggest problem we will have… is, unfortunately, the payment.

If the project is already confirmed and, even better, if there are signed documents and agreements between you and the client, you can safely pursue this client by sending bomb-sized leads via email. The ‘My boss is harassing me for paying him’ excuse can’t be used because…You are the boss! But you can say things like “I was wondering…” or “I’m not in a rush, but when can I expect payment?” or “My computer needs an upgrade and I plan to do it tomorrow. Can I get paid soon?” And maybe, you can also say things like…”I heard a hurricane hit your state. How are you? I hope you’re okay.” Sometimes when you express concern for their well-being and health, they will start to feel guilty and pay you.

Nagging customers won’t work very well in your favor because you still want their business, so don’t berate them. Maybe they are trying to work some things out on your end or trying to get YOUR clients to pay them so they can pay you. It is true. Some clients are intermediate people. And if this is the case, they may need to make sure YOUR customers pay them so they can pay you.

Whether or not your clients pay you… it’s none of your business. He has nothing to do with you. The work has been done and the work delivered on time. Then you SHOULD you will get paid whether your customers run away or not. Remember that… and if your customer tells you the same thing… say, “I really understand and sympathize with you but… I can’t help you on that! Now when can I expect payment?”

Send them an email every other day. If they don’t respond, your senses should be tingling by now. The third time your email is ignored, say something firm but not rude. If they still don’t respond, send them another bill. Some payment processors like paypal, stormpay and ikobo allow you to send invoices to payers, so please do so. If this is the fifth time you’ve sent the email, send them repeating invoices every day.

By then, they should get the message.

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