oh grandma

Motherhood can be difficult, scary, confusing and heck, sometimes it can just suck. When the little people finally leave the house, you dare to look back and analyze how everything went. This phase is called the empty nest syndrome. It’s that moment when you wince from that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach that comes from knowing you didn’t do as well as you could have, for whatever reason.

You cannot muster the strength to ask your brood to evaluate you, due to the fear that will invade you after hearing possible words of complaint and dissatisfaction that will hang in the air, lingering in your head for life. are you sighing So, you are grateful for the opportunity to give birth to these humans and hope that you will do better as Grandy. Let’s go.

When you get to the phase of your life that you can share with your grandchildren, life gets really exciting. You know what to do this time and you are faster in tense situations. You know what works and what doesn’t, while adding new things to your arsenal for those tough cookies.

For example, their bag is probably full of fun stuff: paper and pencils, sample-size powders and creams, the all-important purse, the little bible they pretend to read, the extra pair of reading glasses everyone must try on. and the Chapstick that goes everywhere but to her lips. Wow, my grandchildren have even shown that Chapstick can be a good substitute for crayons. Who would have thought?

It is also amazing that a child, as young as three years old, can know the greatness of having a credit card. That knowledge must be there by design.

Grandy enjoys cooking with the grandkids and while it’s true that cooking lessons can start as early as two years old, just watch out for episodes of bowl tipping, a very well-floured pan, or eggs that can be easily removed from the bowl. granite to the floor with a brush. a quick movement of the arm. I mean, seriously, everyone should wear an apron and keep those baby wipes handy.

Another culinary consideration is yield. Stay alert! It’s easy to end up with only half the batter after each of those little fingers repeatedly finds its way into the dough and then into your mouth or face, whichever comes first.

Keep an eye on how many cookies actually make it to the cookie tray. If no one wants cookies when they’re done, that’s a big clue as to how much cookie dough you just didn’t get a chance at.

This age is also good for instilling “the creep factor.” Ask them to help bring in groceries, travel bags, or other packages now, while they can. Give them something they can carry or drag without destroying the contents, but get them used to working for you and you’ll reap the benefits when you’re too old to do things for yourself. There is nothing worse than meeting an old man whose younger generation is unwilling to help.

Grandyhood means being a loving Grandy, a patient teacher, a stern boss, an extraordinary gamer, a keeper of profound knowledge, a comedian, a referee, a boy catcher, and the one who decides the bottom line.

These little people don’t know it yet, but remaining in Grandy’s good graces is the best thing for a healthy and pampered life.

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