Optimize your mind, master your emotions

As Americans, we automatically turn to antidepressant medications for our stress, depression, and anxiety. But these drugs have so many side effects ranging from nervousness, drowsiness, blurred vision, dizziness, sexual problems, and even suicidal thoughts.

I was one of those who turned to drugs for help. I started taking antidepressants to help with my postpartum depression, but over time my postpartum kept getting worse and the depression became a part of my normal life. I lived for several years in this endless world of depression from stress and anxiety. I got to the point that I couldn’t leave my house, my health suffered, my children suffered, my life was gradually deteriorating and I was dying inside. I was trying to get the kids to activities only to find I couldn’t do it. I would have these activities stopped just because I couldn’t cope. Then I would feel more depressed because I made them stop doing fun things. It was an endless cycle.

We know that living in this cycle of depression, anxiety and stress is detrimental to our body. We know it’s not good to stay in this state, but what do we do when “modern medicine” fails? He was doing everything he could do. I was taking what the doctor gave me. He constantly prayed for help and relief, but he didn’t seem to get any answers. Finally, my answer came. My best friend called me and told me about a new natural product that she was using. Due to the chemical composition of the product, it actually works to balance all the systems in your body. The first thing I used was “Joy”. It totally changed my life. One month to the day of starting Joy, I felt my eyes open and woke up from a very long sleep. I started to feel like a whole new person. I started using several of these products on myself, my husband and my children. I wanted to see what it would all do. I started the children in “Peace and calm”. It was the most wonderful thing for them. My oldest daughter was so stressed that she was having trouble with OCD trying to control some area of ​​her life since our home life was so out of control. I started her on Frankincense, Clary Sage and Stress Away and she begins to calm down dramatically. She was able to function better and also began to make friends. As I felt better and my body was more balanced, I was able to start allowing the children to do activities again. I was able to have friends again. It has been 2 1/2 years since I started using my Emotional Balancer. I don’t waste a day using it. I make sure we all have what we need, always. I would not change it for anything.

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