
Ice fishing jigs from boat

Using ice fishing jigs as pike jigs is becoming a favorite of mine. I find these pike lures very effective and can be used at any time of the year. I use them with ice fishing, from a boat and even casting from land with a fishing rod. The way they are built makes them…


Different varieties of LED lights for vehicles

Vehicle lighting primarily illuminates the area around them and increases visibility. Emergency vehicle lighting needs to go further and therefore need to be multifunctional and energy efficient lights to achieve this. LED bulbs are the right answer to emergency lighting, as they have the ability to run longer without heating up. They are available in…

Legal Law

Outdoor Solar Post Lights

In your front or even in your backyard, you want to make sure there is enough light so that you, your friends, and your children can see what you are doing after night has fallen. There are many different types of light fixtures you can use and each one is different in the way they…

Arts Entertainments

How Do You Piano Transcribe Notes?

Piano Transcribe Notes Piano transcription is the process of writing down notes or chords from a piece of music. It’s not always easy, though, and the process takes a lot of time. Luckily, there are a few apps and resources to help you with your transcription project. The first step is to listen to…