Play music for a healthy mind and a healthy body

A healthy body is made up of numerous rhythmic patterns, all of which are harmoniously linked to a happy mind. When we get angry, these internal music patterns become distorted and cause physical problems. Feeling angry is not simply a thought, but a whole-body sensation in which every cell in the body is forced to deviate from its normal style of functioning. When we are angry, we are literally ‘out of tune’. The result is that our eyes and facial muscles tighten, our skin begins to redden or pale, our heart rate increases, and our body posture changes, reflecting how we feel on the inside.

This micromuscular response to emotional states is what is described as “body language.” In a way, our body tries to stay in tune with its natural sounds and rhythms that bring happiness, but once it loses its balance, harsh words, increased voice and bad feelings indicate that we are no longer in tune with it. the music of perfect balance. or health. This also cuts our links with nature, hence the feeling of poverty, loneliness and loss of spiritual awareness.

Dr. David Aldrich, head of a clinical team investigating music therapy, has shown that patients with heart disease have difficulty coordinating and empathizing with the beats of music makers. The therapeutic value of music has been known for a long time, but it is becoming increasingly clear that music is a necessity to create and maintain health and not just a means to obtain pleasure.

Dr. Ralph Spintge, director of a pain clinic in Germany, has produced a database revealing the powerful effects of music on more than 90,000 patients. All patients showed measurable improvements in both quality and speed of recovery. Other effects of the music included a 50% reduction in the recommended doses of sedatives and anesthetics needed to perform otherwise very painful operations. Now there are even some procedures that, with the help of music, do not require any type of anesthesia. Although some of the value of music helps the patient to distract his mind from his illness or pain, most of its healing effects emanate from the restoration of important biological and neurophysiological rhythms that underlie the vital functions of the body. Music soothes and relaxes anxieties, helps trigger natural pain relievers in the brain, and improves mental performance and clarity.

Research has shown that music activates the right brain’s temporal lobe, which is associated with emotion, movement, and meaning. This is particularly important in our left-brain society, where logic, rational behavior, and analytical thinking are considered the preferred keys to success. Music can stimulate our right brain, which includes our intuitive and artistic faculties, and this can turn stress and tension into opportunities for positive life change. After all, we weren’t born with only half a brain. Our right brain temporal lobe has many amazing abilities in store, yet our efficiently left brain oriented educational system has not sufficiently encouraged its full development. Music has the ability to fill this void. There is a desperate need to develop right-brain activities in our society, which is one of the main reasons why so many young people spend all day listening to music.

Internationally famous musical sensation Tony DeBlois is a typical example of a right-brained musical genius. Born brain damaged, blind, and autistic, Tony, at the age of twenty-one, can’t even tie his shoelaces, but he has a remarkable musical memory for over 7,000 songs. His ability to play and sing incredibly complex jazz improvisations has made up for the lack of intellect. His memory for music is extraordinary. He can play any of his 7,000 songs in any possible style without making a mistake and jump seamlessly from classical music to the most modern pop compositions. When his mother gave him his first electronic keyboard, he hoped that it would stimulate him in some way. At first, she was disappointed when Tony only produced random notes and possible combinations from him. After about six weeks, he began to play the first three notes of ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ and his gift for music was born.

Playing musical instruments has a profound influence on the performer himself. If you can, try to learn to play an instrument. One does not need to be artistic or intelligent to play music. Tony also had no prior abilities. The random and seemingly meaningless musical notes he produced before developing his musical talent had served as a stimulant to activate his right brain functions. Everyone with a temporal lobe on the right side of the brain is artistic and musical by nature. By playing a musical instrument, you can develop this important side of your brain. You don’t have to be a good music player to get the benefits of sound frequencies, but simply making sounds causes profound changes in your brain.

Playing music creates happiness and a feeling of contentment, both of which are essential for a healthy mind and a healthy body. That producing music or singing can have an anti-aging effect is clearly demonstrated by artists such as Tina Turner, Barbara Streisand, Andrea Bocelli, David Bowie, Cliff Richard, and Diana Ross, among many other artists. They seem to have stopped aging years ago.

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