Raising Christian children in a secular world

Raising children is a monumental task and everyone is afraid that they will make a mistake. This is particularly difficult for Christian families trying to insulate their children from much of the secular noise that goes against their core values. This is not talking about ultra-conservative Christian values, but normal parents who take their children to church on Sundays and want them to have a good moral compass and not be corrupted by a society that seems increasingly obsessed with the love of money. and sex. Here are some tips for Christian parents to help buffer some of the outside influences.

monitor monitors
Half the battle is knowing what your kids are up to. You can’t know what they’re doing 24 hours a day, but there are certain things, like watching TV and the computer, that you can control. TV is not a babysitter and if you are using it as such, stop. You need to know what your child is watching and help you choose shows. Many “kids” shows have a lot of violence and innuendo that are not appropriate for children. Knowing about healthy programs and networks will help minimize exposure to violence. Limit the time the TV is on so your kids don’t turn into zombies heading straight for the TV when they get home. Having a plan that the child is going to watch a specific program and then turning off the television when finished will prevent excessive television consumption. Use whatever parental filters are available so your child doesn’t accidentally resort to inappropriate material. This same policy applies to Internet use to monitor content and time spent online. Placing computers and televisions in public areas like a living room rather than a bedroom helps a child avoid the temptation to search for content she shouldn’t be watching.

listening to the sources
If your child says or does something that is not in line with the value you are trying to instill in them, you should try to get to the source. Many times if a child says something, it is best to tell him firmly that “in our house we don’t talk like that.” So they know there are expectations and that they are held to a higher standard in your home. When asked where they heard a particular word or action, many young children will proudly tell you where they heard the word. Just make sure you maintain high standards too or you might be on the receiving end of the question.

By monitoring what you can and by talking and listening to your children, you can help them avoid some of the outside influences that other children may be picking up on. You’ll never avoid all bad influences, but by starting at a young age, your child can have a good moral compass and can hopefully avoid bigger problems later by holding himself to the high standards that were instilled in him growing up.

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