Seduce your ex boyfriend: learn the secret before he disappears forever

Do you find yourself longing for your ex? Do you feel like your feet have been cut off from under you because you miss a lot of being with him? Are you feeling blue and lonely being single again, unintentionally? Well, this article is for all the women who long to have their ex boyfriend back.

First of all, don’t chase it, whatever you do. Men are supposed to be the hunters. It is not a cliché, this is how nature works for millennia. When you pursue it, it actually makes you much less attractive and your scarcity factor plummets and, as with goods, things that are so freely available lose their appeal. What you need to learn how to do is seduce him with your female lure that has nothing to do with the chase.

So based on this basic makeup, he needs to haunt you. That is what men do. Men hunt, women give green or red light. Men take the first step, women respond.

And when you have that etched in your mind, you can now start by reviewing what brought them together in the first place. What was it that he saw in you that made him go crazy? Take a very honest assessment of yourself. Have you gained a few pounds, done something stupid with your hair, or changed the way you dress? All of these things could have an impact on how he sees you.

You probably got lost when you became a couple – you probably gave up some hobbies, friends, or activities. In short, you changed. You became too interested in him and your identity became entangled in your relationship with him. You stopped being the girl he initially dated and fell in love with. He may have gotten bored or disappointed or drifted away from the new you and you that you became for him. One way to get it back may be to simply pick up the old self to turn it on again and improve that. And then don’t ever change again this time.

Another thing that could have happened is that he likes you a lot without knowing you. In other words, he was in love with an idea of ​​yours. You were an enigma to him and it was very challenging for a boy. But, when you became a couple, she discovered things about you that she didn’t like very much. Perhaps he found out that you swear or gamble or are overly jealous, or other things that he thinks go against what he considers appropriate for his girlfriend. Think about the things he insisted on. If you really want your ex to come back, consider making the changes they asked for.

Once you have all the pieces in place, you are the girl he really wants and then you have to seduce him. But doing this is counterintuitive.

Remember, you like the chase. So, give him one! Go somewhere he goes often and hardly recognize him, but flirts outrageously with everyone else. If any guy makes a move, make sure you get comfortable. Do you know this is how Kate Middleton got her relationship with Prince Williams back? She was so successful in making herself look so desirable by having these great guys chasing her. You can even start dating one of their friends so they want to chase you.

Once the hunter is furious, he will want to go after you. At that point, it’s up to you to keep him interested by being the girlfriend he really wants and falls in love with for the first time. That way you won’t say “I want my ex back again!”

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