Self-empowerment guide

The right kind of attitude: attitude defines who you are. I mean attitude is everything. But first, let me define what attitude means. Attitude is the way you see things, the way a person sees things. Now I ask you, why are some people successful and others not? Again, the answer is a large letter A. It’s because we don’t have the same attitude. Attitude it is a person’s perspective towards a specific goal and a way of saying and doing things. It’s the way you look for things, now always be a positive thinker. Another thing is that you have to empty your cup all the time because if your cup is full, you will never learn. Empty your cup and never stop learning. That is the key to success.

NOW, I have something to ask you. When it comes to change, are you a spider or a lion?

the spider

Do you sit like the spider and wait for things to come to you or do you go hunting your opportunities like the lion? When it comes to changes in the workplace, we must have the attitude of the lion. If we sit back and wait to see what happens, we will usually be disappointed. There is an old saying that says “good things come to those who wait”, but today we must remember that the only thing left for those who wait are those left by those who hurry.

The lion

In the jungle, the “scammers” are the Lions. They are the kings of the jungle for good reason. If you want to be the king of your jungle workplace, you must learn the difference between spider and lion. The lion is proactive and the spider is reactive. So what do these terms mean?


A proactive person is someone who understands that they are in control of what happens in life. They take initiative and are responsible for their own actions. A proactive person has a high level of self-esteem that is not affected by what other people think. Proactive people are guided by their values.


The reactive person is the type with a “wait and see” attitude. They do not actively make decisions or act, but instead react to the decisions and actions of others. They are easily influenced by the behavior of others and their mood is determined by the way they are treated. Reactive people are driven by their emotions.

Attitude of a lion

When you read the Bible, there are two animals that God identifies with. The first is the eagle king of the bird kingdom and the second is the Lion, the king of the animal kingdom. So we better study these two animals, because if God is the leader of the universe, we better find out the nature and attitude of these animals.

The Lion has a leadership attitude that makes him different from others. The lion is not the tallest, nor the largest, nor even the heaviest, nor the most intelligent nor the most intelligent animal in the jungle, and yet THE LION IS THE KING.

Now! Tell your neighbor that there is hope for you. Even if you are not the tallest, the biggest, the heaviest, the smartest, or the smartest person; YOU CAN BE THE LEADER! therefore, the lion cancels all his excuses for not becoming a leader. The lion thinks otherwise. “An army of sheep, led by a lion, can defeat an army of lions, led by a sheep!” Leadership can transform cowards into violent warriors. The right kind of leadership can transform shy people into fearless people.


The power of faith Also known as Faith, it is by far the most powerful and creative force in the universe. The Bible says it best: “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23: 7). Remember this timeless truth each time you feed your mind with new empowering thoughts:

what you THINK ……..

is what you BELIEVE ….

is what you will do RETURN …..

Believe 100% in success.

“Everything is possible for the one who believes …”

-Mar 9:23

Put 100% Belief;

1. GOD

Myles Munroe says, “If you want to know the purpose of a thing, don’t ask the thing!” If you want to know the purpose of the microphone, you don’t ask the microphone, does it make sense? Ask the user maybe? Perhaps, but not always reliable. Too many users have misused and abused what has been entrusted to them. Ultimately, shouldn’t we ask the manufacturer of the thing? The manufacturer that designed its use, and almost always, has a manual ready to guide us along the way.

“Then God said.” Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let him rule over the earth. (Genesis 1:26)

The only person who knows the purpose of a thing is the one who made it. So if you want to know your purpose, you must know GOD.


If you want to change your life, you must change the way you think and change what you do. Self-help, personal change, being happy: you decide. Nobody else.

I want you to stay I deserve to be

Want to be,

I can be,

I will be,

I am.

It’s up to you. This is the first step. Self-help starts with you. Personal change begins when you realize that it really is in your own hands and your decision to do something about it. Your own self-confidence is the key to a successful life change, achievement, satisfaction, and happiness.

Let me tell you another story about “Howard the pessimist”

Howard is a very pessimistic person; works in butcher shop. One day, he was assigned to close the store, put all the unsold meat back in the fridge. Then he noticed an old refrigerator in the back of the kitchen. He walked in curiously, unfortunately the door was accidentally closed. He tried to open it but it was locked outside, he got very scared and pessimistic that the cold in the refrigerator would kill him. The next day, they found him dead inside the fridge. He was sitting in the corner of the refrigerator and his heart was frozen. The researchers were so puzzled by how he died, due to the cold inside a broken refrigerator.

When Jesus left there, two blind men followed him and shouted: “Have mercy on us, Son of David!”

When he had entered, the blind men approached him and asked, “Do you think I can do this?” “Yes, sir,” they replied.

Then he touched their eyes and said: “According to your faith it will be done to you”;

Matthew 9: 27-29

“Become what you believe in!”

3. Your business

It gives you the opportunity to express your creativity, your skills and your character.

4. Commitment

Levels of commitment

1. i will try

2. I will do my best

3.I will do whatever it takes

I’ll share another story …

“Finish the race”

During the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, the last runner to finish the marathon was a boy from Tanzania named John Aquwary. He had fallen during the race and was bruised and bloody with a broken leg. Long after everyone else had finished, in fact so late (7:30 pm) that only a few thousand people were in the stadium, John wrestled into the parceum. The crowd rose and gave him a standing ovation when the race ended. Later they asked him, “Why didn’t you quit?” He said, “My country did not send me 7,000 miles around the world to start the race, but to finish the race.”

I hope you learned a lot from my articles, but you really need more advice from more inspiring people. Like you, I looked for different articles and books and like you, I am a dreamer and I never stop dreaming.

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