Shin Splint Stretches: The Top 3 Shin Splint Stretches to Stop Pain

If you currently suffer from shin splints, it’s important that you start making an effort to perform shin splint stretches on a regular basis. This will go a long way to help relax the muscles surrounding the ligaments and bone and reduce the pain you experience. Also, you’ll improve your overall performance if this area isn’t tense or tight, so doing it after every workout you do is a very smart move.

Here are the top three shin splint stretches to take note of.

Shin Splint Stretch 1: Calf Stretch

The first exercise that will help reduce overall tension in the lower leg is the calf stretch. When the calf muscles are short and tight, this will transfer to the front of the shin bone, making pain much more likely to develop.

To perform this shin splint stretch, simply place your heels on some type of step or box. From there, slowly lower them toward the floor until you feel a gentle pull in the back of your calf. Hold that position for a count of five and then take a short break before repeating the process once more.

Shin Stretch 2: Toe Circles

The next exercise you’ll want to start doing is toe circles. When you do this, you want to focus on pointing your toe as far as you can because that is what will cause the tendons to stretch to their full potential.

Try to complete ten foot rotations in one direction and then reverse directions and do another ten. Once you’re done, you’ll then want to switch legs and repeat again.

Shin Splint Stretch 3: Leg Lateral Bend

Finally, the shirt exercise to do is a leg side bend. To do this, simply place one leg slightly behind the other leg, and then lean in the opposite direction. As you perform this incline, you’ll usually feel a slight tug in your lower leg near your shin, indicating you’re doing it correctly.

Some people may also feel a pull in the thigh, usually this will just depend on how flexible you are.

So keep these simple exercises in mind. All it takes is five to ten minutes of doing them every day for you to see a dramatic improvement in reducing this injury and treating the pain you already have.

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