Soy Side Effects – Mad About Soy

Not because I hate soy, but because I hate the way the soy industry has lied and poisoned us for profit. You must read Kaayla T. Daniels’ book The Whole Soy Story to truly understand the history and harmful effects of soy. The book contains many compelling testimonials about the dangers of soy from real people. The serious health problems caused by excessive consumption of soy are incredible. Soy is a cheap, bad food source that is difficult to digest and with many harmful side effects. Once again, you have been lied to and I will not tone down the truth so that corporations can market waste products as health food. I know what you’re thinking. If soy is so bad, how come most people think it’s good? This is why:

First, the origins of soybean use, 3,000 years ago, in ancient China, Japan, and Indonesia arose from poverty and famine. Soybeans were not used as food until the discovery of fermentation techniques.1 Soybeans were used for crop rotation to add nitrogen to the soil.

They were not eaten.

These ancient people would have preferred to eat fish and meat, they simply did not have enough. Soy protein or tofu evolved as a meat substitute for the poor. Fermentation of soybeans was found to give them a better flavor, made them more edible, and medicines could be created from soy-like Nattokinase. It is the fermentation of soybeans that makes it healthy in small amounts. This fermentation of food has been used since ancient times to preserve food and create medicines from food, and is known as “Alchemy.”2

The Chinese did not eat unfermented soybeans because of the large amounts of natural toxins or “antinutrients” that can cause severe gastric upset, reduced protein digestion, and pancreatic conditions, including cancer.1 Unfermented soybeans are not healthy at all. and large amounts, such as the levels currently consumed in America, is very detrimental to our health. It has been linked to hypothyroidism, early puberty in boys, loss of testosterone, and many other hormone-related health problems.2 The American soybean industry took unfermented soybeans, genetically modified them, and turned them into a unhealthy food that nature never intended. Compounding the problem further is the relentless multi-billion dollar marketing campaign to convince us that soy is a health food and we should eat plenty of it.

“Marketing costs money, especially when it needs to be bolstered with ‘research’, but there are plenty of funds available. Soybean farmers pay $80 million a year to support united soybean‘s to “strengthen soybean’s market position and maintain and expand domestic and foreign markets for soybean uses and soybean products.” private companies like Goalkeeper Daniels Midland They also contribute their part. ADM spent $9 million on advertising over the course of a year.”1 ADM is, of course, the corporation that brought us hydrogenated soybean oil, or “trans fats.” The marketing is working. “Just soy milk sales they have grown from $2 million in 1980 to over $300 million in the US last year.”1

The best marketing strategy for a product that is inherently unhealthy is, of course, a health claim. one

Claims that eating soy can “lower cholesterol levels” and “reduce cancer” have been approved by the FDA after heavy lobbying and “alleged research” by the soy industry purportedly demonstrating a health benefit. . The opposite is actually true. Soy contains “antinutrients” that are toxic and carcinogenic to the human body.2

Soy protein (Tofu) is the grisly waste left over from making soybean oil. This slimy byproduct of the soybean oil industry was considered a waste product and animal feed until recently. By the way, animals don’t like soy either and will only eat it when they are starving.

When I started weight training, I downed a tub of vanilla-flavored soy protein powder and began gulping down some chalky, bad-tasting shakes with glee. I thought I was doing myself a huge favor, but little did I know that I was actually reversing any chance of muscle gains. Scanning through a recent “Muscle Magazine” I saw an article that supposedly reviewed the different protein powder supplements available on the market today. The article featured animated protein jars with friendly faces and the names “Soy,” “Whey,” “Casein,” and “Egg.” Buttermilk and soy were presented as the best option for health, low cost and nutritional value. Now listen carefully to what I am going to tell you next. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU! Whey and soy protein are waste products of the food industry, cleverly disguised as “health foods” and heavily marketed to the American consumer.

Soy protein isolate is a highly processed product. A soybean slurry is washed with acid and then mixed with an alkaline solution. Acid washing in aluminum tanks leach high levels of aluminum into the final product. The curd is then dried at high temperatures, which completely denatures the final product and renders the protein ineffective and drastically altered from what nature intended. Soy-fed animals should receive lysine supplements for normal growth.2

do not trust fitness for men magazine neither. “Open a copy and you’ll find pages and pages of full-color ads for soy-based candy bars and instant drinks touted as a way to create the macho man with the perfect abs. Sadly, ironically, most issues contain the article necessary that advises these super-built Lotharios how to have good sex. fitness for men to warn their readers about the fact that soy lowers testosterone levels in men, advertising revenue would dry up and the magazine would shut down.” 2 (Kaayla T. Daniel)

Tear out your Fitness and Muscle magazines that are full of lies and have a delicious steak or fish for dinner.

You may have heard of Edamame, the new “healthy” baby green soybean pods. Recently, while eating at a local sushi restaurant, I noticed tables of customers around me happily eating appetizers of steamed edamame. Surely this must be good, right? Wrong! Edamame is crap too! The good news is that these tender soybeans still in the pod are tender and more palatable. They also contain fewer harmful testosterone-lowering plant estrogens. So I would compare them to light cigarettes. They are much less harmful than regular soybeans which are loaded with anti-testosterone hormones!

Soy supporters disparage milk and milk supporters (from grass-fed animals) disparage soy. Both are right and both are wrong. Small amounts of milk from pure pastured animals would be nice and ideal, but not necessary. Small amounts of fermented soy products like Nattokinase and Miso prepared the old fashioned way are fine and are considered medicine in the East.

If you’re not eating organic, you should know that 99% of the non-organic soy we eat is genetically modified and has one of the highest percentages of pesticide contamination of any of our foods.1 This processed, genetically modified “American Soy” “that we know, is poisoning us and causing illness and disease.

Soy protein excellent for lowering Testosterone

Eating soy protein causes low testosterone levels. This is especially concerning for men and bodybuilders. For a bodybuilder, soy protein is like Kryptonite! Plant estrogens will rob you of your manhood, shrink your muscles, and decrease your sex drive. Ancient monks used to eat extra tofu to help them easily maintain their vows of celibacy.2

Vegetarians who consume tofu and bean curd as a meat substitute are at risk of severe mineral deficiencies. The results of calcium, magnesium, and iron deficiency are well known; zinc ones are less so.1 I recently met a person who was a vegetarian and ate a lot of tofu because she “loves animals.” For God’s sake, don’t eat a waste product of a bean because you love animals! He loves animals and eats raw nuts, “quality” beans, and maybe some eggs. I also love and respect animals and am often amazed at the breathtaking beauty of nature’s wild creatures. Humans, however, didn’t make it to the top of the food chain just to step aside and eat tofu because we love animals. I love them, I respect them and like some of them too!

Throw your milk down the sink! Spit your tofu out the window! Throw your milk and soy products in the trash today and be healthier tomorrow!


1: Fallon, Sally & Enig, Mary G., Latest Research on Why You Should Avoid Soy

2: Daniel, Kaayla T., The Whole Story of Soybeans, New Trends Publishing, 2005

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