Strengthen volunteering at the animal shelter in your community

Do you firmly believe in certain causes? If protecting and serving the animals in need at the shelter is one of them, use your passion to advocate for the cause of cats and dogs throughout your community.

Sometimes all it takes to ignite a movement is a single spark of passion. Imagine what can be accomplished when one person takes the initiative to lobby for voiceless animals.

Shelters across the country are notoriously underfunded. Unfortunately, humans are notoriously irresponsible when it comes to spaying and neutering their animals. When they reproduce, many owners are not responsible for the care of the new litter. They may let them pierce and go wild or be killed, or they give them away to others, usually unprepared for ownership and just as likely to behave irresponsibly when it comes time to spay or neuter their new animal.

Shelters make a difference in the life of every dog ​​and cat. If you work to start a capital campaign, conditions at the shelter could be improved and services could be strengthened, such as free spay and neuter clinics.

While in the care of your shelter, the animals need medical attention, as well as physical and mental enrichment. For dogs, that may mean playtime with a stick or a ball. For the kittens, it could mean fun in the cat towers within the community cat room.

Cat Towers are large multi-level furniture covered with fabric, sisal, and carpet. Kittens have the opportunity to run and jump, jump and perch, and of course stalk and sleep. Cat towers and a large open room provide kittens with plenty of space and equipment for natural behaviors, likely taking their minds off the stress of a new environment, new food, and an uncertain future.

With you championing the cause of shelter animals in your area, the sky’s the limit!

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