Swiss Ball Training for Jiu-Jitsu

If you haven’t spent time training with a stability ball, then you’re missing out on a fun and effective way to increase core strength, balance, and body awareness. There are more than enough sports-specific ball exercises in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

The unstable surface of the balance ball puts more pressure on your core muscles and makes them work harder to stay balanced. Essentially, you’re correcting muscle imbalances by using different muscles in your midsection (abs, stability, and back) in a diverse way.

The stability ball is nothing more than a burst-proof plastic ball that expands when you fill it with air. To reach the correct density: less air is not as challenging, while more air makes it more difficult to balance. Choose a ball that suits your height. How do you know if it is the correct size? Use the board or sit on the ball with both feet on the ground. In this position, your hips and knees should form a 90 degree angle.

55cm = 4’11” – 5’4″

65cm = 5’5″ – 5’11”

75cm = 6’0″ – 6’7″

The stability ball provides many more benefits than just an amazing core workout; It will help strengthen weak muscles while giving overused ones a break while opening up range of motion in your knees and hips. It’s a great way to train movement and pressing if you don’t have an exercise partner.



This exercise performed on the exercise ball will build a strong core and back. Start with your feet on the floor and your elbows on the ball to start the position. Keep your back straight and focus on contracting your stomach muscles. Move forward to hold the position for one minute.


Doing crunches on the stability ball takes your legs out of the equation and makes your abdominal muscles do most of the work. Place the ball under your lower back and cross your arms over your chest. Curl up and contract your abs. lower back to starting position and repeat for desired repetitions.

ball ride

Build core strength and balance while learning to use the balance ball. Sit on the ball and slowly walk both feet forward as your back slides into the ball. Once your head and shoulders are resting on the ball, walk back until you are sitting up.


There are two ways to perform this exercise, with your hands on the floor or you can make it more difficult by placing your hands on the ball for support. As with the standard push up, you will raise and lower your upper body in a pushing motion. What makes this different, the balance ball makes it a total body workout due to the instability of the surface.

The stability ball is an effective, fun and inexpensive way to get a good workout. The functionality of this exercise equipment makes it usable by people of any fitness level. Incorporate the balance ball into your workouts to take advantage of one of the best ways to strengthen your core muscles and increase stability.

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