The amazing secrets of looking in the mirror

Looking in the mirror, an interesting experiment for everyone interested in the paranormal. It is based on the process known in middle circles as transfiguration. This is where the faces of the spirits can appear over the human face.

In the activity of looking in the mirror, you supposedly see these spiritual faces on your own face while looking into a mirror.

I have been told that to carry out this process it is a good idea to ask the spirit that evokes love and light for help. A simple prayer of protection, a few chosen words that you can create yourself incorporating the help and reassurance of spirits with an emphasis on love and light. You can call a loved one in spirit or your spirit guides, those who protect us and accompany us during our earthly life here on earth. A simple idea of ​​the type of prayer would be to ask the divine forces of light to guard and protect from all that is not of the light and carry out this process with the highest spiritual good.

To perform mirror gazing, you sit in front of a mirror in a dark room. I have seen this done by candlelight; two candles placed at a distance behind the person doing the looking in the mirror.

The idea is to start by looking into your eyes, reflected in you. Eventually your eyes will soften their focus, allow this to happen and try to keep this soft focus. You should try a state of relaxation and allow your mind to be emptied of thoughts.

If you feel your mind start to wander and you start thinking about all the things you still have to do and the other things you need to do, then start concentrating on your breathing. Be aware of the air you take in and then release, inhale and exhale with awareness of the process. Remember that this can help you empty your mind of mundane thoughts if you feel like you are coming out of a receptive state of being. Staying and being relaxed is the key to this process. Apparently, being relaxed increases the vibration of your spirit.

It’s a case of just watching what happens. You will start to see something; the important thing is to stay in that state of being relaxed and receptive. Remember to focus on your breathing if you lose receptivity. You will see other faces that will appear on top of yours. If the faces make you uncomfortable, ask your guide to bring you only pleasant images. Remember that it was you who asked for love and light and for the divine forces of light to protect you. You asked for protection and your guides and loved ones will comply.

You can even do this between people and see what images are produced between the two of you. Because even looking next to another’s face is likely to produce imagery and transfiguration.

Once completed, you are supposed to thank those you called to protect you before you log off. That is the process of looking in a mirror or transfiguration.

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