The Challenges of Parenting: How to Meet Them

How many of us parents want a manual that answers questions like: How to control tantrums in toddlers? How to tame the rebellious teenager? How to make him see our most experienced point of view? How to make sure that Junior is not involved in drugs? How to avoid teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases? etcetera etcetera…

The questions never end for us unlucky parents.
For concerned parents, the responsibilities and concern for their children will never end until the day they die, even if the children are adults and have children of their own.

As a mother of seven children (ages 7-27), I’d like to share some helpful insights into what I find to be effective parenting methods. These are just a few of the many methods out there.


Be honest

Perhaps the biggest challenge for parents is what parenting styles and skills we adopt to raise happy, well-adjusted children. Effective parenting involves honesty. Being honest means giving our heart and soul in raising children, making them the highest priority in life. They come first on the list of importance, not career, boss, or social position. Honest parents will do their best to help their troubled children and resolve any problems they have without blame or prejudice. They are willing to take responsibility without any hesitation to see their children happy.

Be positive

Being positive and encouraging, not putting down or nagging, gives your parenting style a big boost. Children will appreciate their parents for it and, in turn, be better parents themselves. Optimistic parents give children a lot of self-esteem and the belief that any problem can be solved, they will not give up easily in any situation, and will have a better chance of success in life.

be nice

Listen to your children. Give them your full attention, even from a very young age when they can’t talk very well. Try to put yourself in their shoes and imagine yourself at your age. Didn’t you want adults to take you seriously and listen to your opinions too? Most parents ignore their young children’s words and deny them their feelings. This can plant the seeds of rebellion and tantrums.

teach good values

Whatever moral or religious values ​​parents instill in their children usually last a lifetime. If the values ​​are good, the children will be well guided in life. If not, unfortunately the children will be disoriented unless they find the cure for their problems. Humans have weaknesses, but humans can repair any damage with intelligence and resilience. Filling the soul and spirit of our children with a solid foundation is like immunizing them against destructive influences from outside the home.
practice compassion

Most of us tend to judge people who make mistakes, or even if they are different from us. Our children also receive this harsh treatment from us, without us being aware of it. They get a big lecture from our ‘holier than thou’ parental authority figure, and are shamed endlessly. They are intimidated into obeying us and resentment will build up over time. The time will come for them to rebel and fight for their rights; that is the moment when we could lose our children forever if there is no effort to correct the damage. Once we were young and we made many mistakes. We wanted guidance, compassion, and understanding from the adults around us; So why not give the children what we wanted them to give us? Good deeds don’t just die, they generate goodwill in our children and spread throughout the community and eventually the world.

Be THE role model

Lastly, be THE person you want your child to be. Have you ever wished your parents were like this when you were young and impressionable? I sure wished my parents were more like this or that. Now I understand that they had to work hard to support many children and that they did not have a high level of education. However, they managed to send their children to universities. Do everything you can to make your children as proud of you as you are of them.

Despite the efforts and good intentions of the parents, problems arise. The hectic modern lifestyle demands a lot of time away from home and most parents leave their children in the care of caregivers. Most children are influenced by their friends and outside trends. Parents are tired and exhausted from the rat race and housework, leaving little time for their children.

Do not despair dear good parents. Get help to enhance your child’s development. With the right help, your child’s behavior problems can be resolved and you will reap the great rewards of good parenting.

Empower yourself with good parenting skills. Take the right action to correct all mistakes and heal the wounds of negative parenting.

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