The do-it-yourself approach to glass repair

Depending on the severity and type of broken glass, some can be repaired without professional help. All it takes is the right materials, tools, and a lot of patience.

It should be noted that prior to undergoing a glass repair project, professional advice or consultation may be required. Depending on the use or purpose, some glass repair project should be done by a specialist.

Materials needed for glass repair:

  • Scotch tape
  • Clamps (depending on the size of the glass to be repaired, a clothespin can be used for small glass items)
  • clear epoxy glue

These materials must be complete before undergoing the glass repair project.

Join broken pieces

First of all, assemble the broken glass pieces and decide how they all fit together. Make sure all the pieces are complete. Without a complete kit, glass repair is not possible. One will end up with an incomplete glass item that can even be dangerous to use.

Assess setup technique

This is the most important step in glassware repair. Proper placement technique will ensure that the pieces fit together well and that the glue holds.

Study the glass item to repair it. Look at the pieces and decide the best way to hold the pieces together while the glue sets. A flat piece of glass would sit best while being held in place with pressure applied on both sides. A cylindrical glass object would probably have to be hit together. A shattered windshield would need a piece-by-piece approach.

One can be resourceful in evaluating the proper technical setup as long as the goal of having a tight and safe setup for glass repair is achieved.

glue the glass pieces together

Once the proper form of assembly is established and all glass pieces are complete for reassembly, the glue can be prepared. The best glue for glass repair is clear epoxy glue. These come in two tubes that are mixed together. Once mixed, it is ready for application.

If the glue doesn’t come with an applicator, a toothpick or the bottom end of a matchstick can be used to repair the glassware. Depending on the technical setup chosen for glass repair, apply the glue to the edge of one part and stick it to its associated part.

Use only a small amount of glue per piece and make sure it fits well. If necessary, glue each piece in stages to ensure a proper reconstruction of the object. Glass repair requires a lot of patience. Some parts attached may need days before the next part is attached.

Once all the pieces are glued and a firm and secure hold is achieved, leave the object for a week to settle.

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