The secrets of how to write a funny best man speech (part 1)

In addition to the wedding itself, the best man’s speech is one of the most anticipated parts of the day. Everyone is looking forward to it because it’s fun and everyone can always come up with a hilarious Godfather speech story. However, that expectation can make this part of the wedding day a nightmare for the best man. The expectation that he will deliver a speech that will make them laugh until they cry can be so overwhelming that he becomes disheartened and by the time he stands up he is convinced that the audience will hate him. With a little planning and a little thought (and using a few secrets) he can give a memorable and fun best man speech.

Secret number one: just an idiot = lots of laughs

Absolutely vital to any best man’s speech. The only person at a barbecue is the groom. Just about everyone else is off limits in your quest for comedic glory. Others can play apart in your fun times, but the only one who can look like an idiot or be embarrassed is the boyfriend.

Why? Imagine this: your audience is crying with laughter and you tell a joke about the mother of the bride. Absolute silence fills the room. The mother-in-law suddenly hates you, the girlfriend is mad at you, her father wants to take you outside and you’ve lost the momentum and worse the room. Keep an idiot’s rule

Secret number two: change your mindset

Many people who are nervous begin to convince themselves that they will be horrible and that everyone will hate the speech. Think like that and even the best speech will be a disaster. Why? Because it will affect your delivery and a great delivery is half the secret behind comedy. Be positive and believe that you will deliver the speech of the year.

Secret number three: the audience loves you

Something to remember to help you with secret number two. The public wants you to be successful because they want to be entertained and they want to laugh. They look forward to the speech and that creates a lot of positive anticipation that it will be good. That is half the battle won.

Secret Number Four: Let Your Audience Drink You

There is alcohol at most weddings and the temptation for a nervous best man is to take a little Dutch courage. Small is the operative word here. If you need a drink before your speech to calm your nerves, limit yourself to one. Your adrenaline is already pumping so the effects of alcohol will be much stronger on you. You will bomb if when you stand up you are slurring your words. Remember that the great comedy is in the delivery. Save your beers for later – you never know you might end up buying them after a great speech.

Secret number five – Dig through the dirt
Have you ever heard comedians talk about people who recognize them on the street and ask them to tell a joke and the comedian can’t think of one. Often it is because his routine has been carefully prepared. Although they are genuinely fun people, they need to research what they want to do and prepare carefully. They often have writing partners to work on ideas. Do the same thing and gather a lot of ideas and thoughts and see how you can tie them into your routine.

Secret Number Six: No Rapid Fire Jaws Required

Genuinely funny groomsmen speeches aren’t ones where you tell a hundred quick jokes in the short time you’re awake. It’s about timing and momentum. Your speech should have moments of joy and moments of calm so your audience can come back together and be ready for you to let them have it one more time. If they’re still cracking up and you hit them again, chances are not everyone will hear it. So tell them a joke, gently lower them and raise them again. Take them on a roller coaster of comedy.

Secret number seven: ladies and gentlemen, here we come!

If you’re going to take them on a comedy roller coaster, prepare your audience beforehand. You’ll have a lot of meet and greets, and the speech will most likely be mentioned. Touch your pocket and give them the knowing look that assures them that you have the boyfriend right where you want him. As you begin your speech, deliberately add a throwaway comment or gesture to let the audience know it’s time for the groom to poke fun. For example, watch him slump in his seat and the audience’s reaction when you stand up, delicately pull those four horror pages out of your jacket pocket, pat the boyfriend on the back, and say “Sorry, dude. but they have to know.” . From there you will have your audience ready. It’s show time!

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