Tips for job interviews

conquering the interview

You made it to the interview, and like any normal human being, your feelings of happiness will not outweigh the anxiety that comes with the interview, even for those who have already been through it. The only way to really relieve some of that stress is to make sure you’re really prepared for the interview. Young Jobs’ interview preparation guidelines will provide you with the tools to have a successful interview.

Research: Knowing the Company

Knowing about the company you will be interviewing with is by far one of the most important steps in the interview process. No doubt the interviewer will be impressed with someone who has taken the time to research the company before arriving for the interview. If you work hard to get to know the organization, you will find yourself ahead of the other candidates. Employers don’t just want someone who can get the job done; they also want someone who respects their company and has an interest and enthusiasm for their work.

Today, most of the companies and organizations have their own websites or can be researched through articles found on the internet. However, we recognize that not all companies can be investigated in this way and not all job seekers have much access to the Internet. If either of these is the case, try going to your local library and finding articles or books about the company and/or field of work to which it belongs.

Investigation: Knowing yourself

Because you’ve taken the time to research the company and learn what it has to offer, you can now figure out what they might want in their employees and incorporate your parallel skills into the interview. Instead of thinking of yourself as an eager job seeker in an interview, think of yourself as a sales person selling your skills and abilities. Review your resume several times before your interview. Consider each part of the experience you have listed and the skills that are required. Did you gain collaboration skills working in a restaurant or leadership skills as president of a club or organization? Whatever the case, think appropriately for each position you are interviewing for and use those skills in your “selling points.” This not only gives you talking points, but you’ll also find that knowing more about yourself as a potential employee will give you more confidence.

Also keep in mind any skills or assets you have acquired in everyday life. For example, most companies look for grit in their employees, so if it’s time to tell them that you finished 3rd in the city marathon after months of training, take it. Even if it’s not necessarily work related, it will make a good impression on your potential employer. To avoid appearing arrogant, phrase your experiences as learning tools and your skills as a gift. The hard part is trying not to create so much talk that you dominate the conversation. It is better to give a short, direct and to the point answer than to babble for several minutes in a haphazard manner. It is always better to follow the lead of the interviewers. This brings us to the importance of practicing…


Doing your research and knowing your “sales pitch” will definitely help you have a more successful interview, but there’s really no substitute for rehearsing the interview. Ask a family member or friend to act as the interviewer and provide them with a list of questions to ask you. While it may be fun doing this, just remember that it will be even more difficult to interview a stranger, so practicing alone can help make the process easier. Before you sit in the dock, make sure you have an idea of ​​how you would like to answer the questions you have selected. Even having a notion of how you will respond will build more confidence and impress the interviewer.

If an unfamiliar question comes up, don’t make anything up or change the subject. Rather, tell them it’s a good question but you don’t have an answer at the moment, but you’re eager to get the knowledge. Your potential employer will respect your honesty and willingness to learn new things.

Apart from verbal communication, it is also important to recognize their body language. Making eye contact is crucial. If you don’t look the interviewer in the eye while he’s talking, you’ll think he’s not interested; if he doesn’t meet their eyes while he’s talking, they’ll think he’s nervous about fabricating his answers. Try not to play with your hands too much, or you’ll seem nervous. A more affective way to use your hands is with light gestures to arouse enthusiasm for what is being said. While it’s common knowledge to sit up straight and observe good posture, you don’t want to appear uncomfortable. Try to sit in your chair with your head up so that the interviewer knows that he is sure of himself and that he is attentive to what he is talking about. Try practicing your body language in a mirror or with a video camera.


Let’s face it, we all know that the visual impression is the first impression you get when you meet someone face to face for the first time. That is why it is essential to dress the piece. When interviewing for a job, it’s important to dress as you would if you had the job. If you don’t know what the outfit is, ask when the interview will be scheduled, or dress a little more formal than you think you might need. Wear freshly washed and ironed clothes. Along with clothing, make sure you’re on top of your grooming: comb your hair, wash your nails, and be sure to brush your teeth before heading into your interview. Try to avoid excessive use of perfume or cologne, too much makeup, and excessive jewelry.

Arrives early

Arriving early for your interview not only makes you look good in the eyes of the employer, but it will also make the interview process much easier. Trust us, there is nothing more stressful than being late for an interview. Not only is he worried about what the interviewer might think, but he is more likely to forget most of what he has practiced because he is so overwhelmed by being late. When you arrive 10-15 minutes early, you have time to go over last-minute notes, use the bathroom, and most importantly, take a deep breath. Nothing throws up a red flag faster for a potential employer than an applicant who is late for an interview.

proper introduction

As intimidating as it may seem, you are under observation from the first moment you meet the interviewer. To make a proper introduction, make direct eye contact, extend a firm but not abrasive handshake, smile enthusiastically, and let them know your name and pleasure to meet them. These may seem mundane and obvious gestures, but all potential employers will scrutinize your interpersonal skills by the way you present yourself.

returning the questions
Towards the end of your interview, you will most likely have the option to ask any questions you may have for the company. This is a great way to let them know that you are just as interested in getting to know them as they are in getting to know you. Asking the interviewer questions is a great opportunity to make sure you are completely clear about the position and your expectations. If you’re not sure where you’ll fit in at the company, what an average day will look like, or anything else specifically to do with work, feel free to use this time to ask more. You can also ask about the company environment or the relationship between coworkers. However, it is never wise to ask about wages, benefits, sick days, etc. during the first interview. Once you’ve been offered the position, you can ask those questions before you decide to take the job.

Now would also be a good time to link the final reasons why you are the perfect match for the job. It does not hurt to refer to things that were said during the interview. Emphasize your enthusiasm for the position and your anticipation of moving forward in the interview process. Avoid sounding desperate or overly anxious while maintaining their interest.

Be clear about what happens after the interview. Find out when they will contact you again or how to follow up if they prefer. Just as you walked in with a proper introduction, make sure you walk out the same way, with direct eye contact, a firm handshake, and a smile.

Follow up

Even if you’ve made it through your first interview, you have one more crucial step to complete the interview process, the follow-up. This is best accomplished by sending a thank you letter to the people who interviewed you. Make sure it goes out within 1-2 business days. Reiterate the points that were made during the interview and why you are the right candidate for the position. Try personalizing your thank you letter instead of sending a generic thank you that won’t have much of an impact on the company. Remember to acknowledge your appreciation for your time and consideration. From there, if you don’t have instructions to wait to be contacted, follow up with a phone call about a week later to check on the position’s occupancy status.

The last piece of advice that Young Jobs would like to offer job seekers to win the interview is BE YOURSELF!

We’d say good luck, but if you follow our guidelines, we know you won’t need any luck to succeed!

Youth Jobs –

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