Top Warhammer Online White Lion Guide – Warhammer Online White Lion Leveling & Strategy Guides

One of the career options under the High Elf army is the White Lion. An apparent fusion of hunter and beast, the white lion is a very strong warrior who can work well both alone and in a team. Several players have created Warhammer Online White Lions guides to help newbies and other players trying to play as and fight against them.

There are three career masteries for the white lion. These are:

1. the path of the hunter

2. the path of the ax

3. The Way of the Guardian

The path of the hunter allows the white lion to fight alongside the lion of war. Together, they attack enemies with ease and precision. The second path, the path of the axeman, has to do with the use of the woodcutter’s axes. Here, lions serve as the mother decoy. Allies must work together for your surprise attack to work efficiently. The third path, the Guardian path, has to do with the use of diversionary tactics.

In the Warhammer Online guide, the strengths and weaknesses of the white lion are listed. The white lion prides itself on various tactics and abilities, as well as moral abilities that are more than useful on the battlefield. These are the Baiting Strike, Lion’s Fury, Crushing Blow, Cleaved Limb, Charge, Trained Threat, and Submission. The Baiting Strike is a form of attack that deals 75 damage to your enemy while distracting them and making them lose 25% of their hate towards you. Lions Fury can deal up to 100 spirit damage to your target by allowing the white lion to summon the heritage of the High Elves. Shattering Strike is an offensive attack that deals 168 damage over nine seconds. If an attack was made from the side or from behind, the enemy’s strength is reduced by 75. Cleave Limb is another offensive attack that deals 75 damage while slowing the opponent by approximately 20% for the next ten seconds. Load! is when the white lion’s speed increases by 50 for about seven seconds. Trained to Threaten will allow the white lion pet to threaten its opponents and lower the strength of the enemy’s armor. And Submission is a challenging skill form, where you submit to your enemies and make them lose 50% of their hate towards you.

When fighting a white lion, you must remember that close range can be dangerous for you. The white lion and his war lion have almost perfect coordination and therefore your task is to get the pet away from the master. If you can’t do this and must engage in close combat, pay attention to how they move so you can determine which is the larger opponent. Whoever he is, finish him off first. Eliminating the larger opponent is a necessary technique when fighting a white lion. It is also useful to know the best Warhammer Online white lion guide to help you with your game.

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