Use Super Set to increase your biceps workout

If super arms are what you’re looking for, then you should try super sets with your bicep workouts.

Supersets are a very smart and efficient way to increase the intensity of biceps training. There is nothing wrong with training biceps with straight sets. Use heavy weights and do low reps or go light and do high reps. doing this type of training, especially if you work hard, can build some pretty solid biceps. But you need to shake your biceps every once in a while and amp up your biceps workout. As? Add some solid super sets and take your biceps workout to the next level. You will not regret after seeing the results.

A proper workout should be able to jolt the biceps muscles back into growth. Your body simply won’t grow if you don’t force it to. That’s why direct sets get boring and lose their effectiveness quickly. It doesn’t shock your body enough to make it grow.

But unfortunately, impacting your muscles is not an easy thing to do. Not any exercise will do. You really need to stun your muscle to start massive growth in your biceps. It has to be something very stressful, something that really pushes your biceps to their limit, only then will you really grow. Because? Well, because your body does something very efficiently and that something is adaptation. It adapts to any biceps workout eventually, which is why every once in a while you need to throw in a surprise in between your workouts.

Although there is a solution. Wear a super set in your workout and watch your biceps explode in new growth.

For those who don’t know what a great set is. A superset consists of performing two consecutive back-to-back movements with no rest in between.

Here is an example biceps workout, use it and see the results.

Standing Barbell Curl 3 sets 8, 10, 12


Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl 3 sets 12, 15, 20

Preacher curls 3 sets 8, 10, 12


Incline dumbbell curl 3 sets 12, 15, 20

Hammer curls 3 sets 8, 10, 12


Reverse curls 3 sets 12, 15, 20

This is a very strong and powerful biceps workout. Choosing the correct weight is crucial. Pick up weights that almost lead you to failure. for example, in the first movement use a weight that makes you fail in all 10 repetitions. so when you stop at the eighth rep on the first set you’ll be on the brink of failure, then you’ll lower the weights straight down and pick up the dumbbells for your next move and repeat to the prescribed number. Rest for 2 minutes and then repeat for 3 sets.

And that’s an example of a powerful bicep workout.

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