Visual Communication for Rabbits

Visual signals are not the main communication system of rabbits. This is not a surprise, since we know that rabbits spend most of their time in the dark. So how do rabbits communicate? There are variations that we can look for to find out how rabbits feel. Variations can be different ear placements showing submissiveness, fear, aggressive intent, contentment, and relaxation.

Typically, when a rabbit is feeling relaxed, it will lie on its side or on its abdomen with its hind legs stretched back. Either that or you will squat with your legs tucked under and eat bent against your head. These are very obvious signs that your rabbit is feeling relaxed at the moment.

When a rabbit is feeling submissive, it will usually crouch down. This will make it look smaller and less threatening. Generally in the animal world, making the body appear smaller means that it is submissive. Often this happens without eye contact with the dominant animal. This sign is most evident and is clearly seen in dogs that hunches their bodies, lowers their bodies, and lowers their heads and looks away from the more dominant dog or person.

Whenever a rabbit is afraid of something or is scared, it displays a posture very similar to that of a submissive animal. However, the main difference is that when rabbits are scared, their facial muscles tense up. This gives a look at the rabbit’s face that its eyes are about to pop out of its head. The body will be pressed against the ground and the ears will be flattened firmly against the head. When a rabbit adopts this posture, it tries to appear as inconspicuous as possible while keeping a close watch and nose for the source of its fear.

Rabbits shake their heads to show irritation or disgust at the strange introduction to smell or taste, for example. This action is sometimes followed by one of the most familiar visual communications we know of. They dramatically slam their hind legs on the ground. It is both a visual and aural signal of potential danger. A rabbit that is genuinely concerned about such a possibility of danger will retreat at high speed towards its burrow. It also raises its hindquarters while running to show the white underside of its tail. This white colored fur is visible to other rabbits even in low light. This signal is a strong indication for all other rabbits to seek shelter and safety in the burrow immediately.

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