What to know when hiring a private investigator

How do you know who is the right private investigator for you? There is a difference between a good investigator and a bad one. The difference between the two is that they must work and operate their business professionally and charge the right rates and not rip you off and get rubbish results. If you google or search directories you will see thousands of investigators promising certain things, these kind of things that they promise should not be promised as anything can happen when conducting a surveillance you don’t always have the luck you need and there may be a chance of something goes wrong, this is what a good investigator will tell you.

If you really need to hire a private investigator, there are a few ways you can do so below: a brief sampling of ways to find a professional investigator;

  • The search engines.
  • shout
  • ABI (Association of British Researchers)
  • IPI (Institute of Professional Researchers)
  • WAPI (World Association of Private Investigators)
  • Referral from a friend.
  • Private Investigators Network

Some of the options above are reliable ways to find a trustworthy investigator. Personally, the best way to find a professional investigator who will provide you with the best possible service and support is through a referral from someone you know. This is because you know someone who has dealt with an investigator and will be able to give you positive or negative feedback. If you don’t know anyone who has hired a private investigator, be sure to make lists and ask questions.

Be sure to look for the following.

Here are some things to keep in mind when hiring an investigator:

Good character

What is the first impression you have of this person? What is your first concern, money? (Your case should always come first and then the money after you’ve decided you want to go ahead and hire the private investigator) Can you trust him?

Private investigators are not officially bound by client confidentiality like a doctor is, a good investigator will respect this. You should never share or give any information and keep everything that is shared between the two of you private, unless the investigator is not happy with what you are saying or with the development of the investigation.

If the investigator is compromised, he should never reveal the client’s name, this will protect him from any repercussions because of it.


When hiring an investigator, you should make sure that they have some experience in the field of investigations that you want to carry out. Do they have any academic background such as; Police or military? How long have they been working as IP? Have they completed any training courses? Also, what areas do they specialize in? It’s also good to ask if they’ve tried cases like yours before and what the end result was.

He has an office and does not work outside his home.

It is always better to hire a PI who works in an office, this is because it shows that they are professional and it looks more legitimate and professional. They are a lot of good quality investigators working in your spare room, but if they have the human power to provide you with the service you need, they may just be a one man gang that can only offer their services and not a team. Surveillance should never be done on your own, if someone offers to do it ask yourself this;

  • How will you follow it for long distances?
  • What happens if you stop at the lights?
  • What if there is more than one person to follow?
  • How can you react so quickly on your own?
  • Isn’t it dangerous not to have a small team?

It’s also a better way to communicate at a later date to perhaps rearrange as much surveillance as possible and grab them.

A tidy office can also be a window into the degree of your professionalism.

Clear on the price.

The investigator should give you a rough estimate of the cost after he has explained the brief details. Once he has all the information, he must calculate the costs and inform you of them, if you agree to continue, the researcher must not exceed this amount unless they notify you beforehand.

the first meeting

Some investigators will want to see you for a meeting before investigations begin (This only happens on high profile jobs like surveillance. Or even if it’s a private client who pays cash) Some investigators I’ve spoken to in the past they refuse to meet you and you say it’s ‘unprofessional’ my first thought was you’re not really where you claim and won’t do the work you’re outsourcing properly so beware of this make sure you know where the investigators based, if you’re not sure, ask them for a meeting and see what their reactions are.

The investigator should also give you a brief description of how the surveillance will be carried out and how he plans to do it.

final thoughts

The first call to a private investigator can be hard and emotional, but the best investigators will support you in everything you need along the way. Make sure you are 100% sure that you need to discover the information you are looking for and be prepared for the possible results; some are not always what you want to hear.

What if you need to know what your partner is really doing, what if what you learn is heartbreaking and upsetting, are you ready for this?

What if you want to find a lost relative? Maybe that person doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you. How will you respond?

Or are you researching a business investment? What will you do if you discover that it is fraudulent?

Remember that you can trust a good private investigator. In addition to handling the situation with professionalism. Also, remember that you are taking the first step in empowering yourself to resolve issues that may be preventing you from living happily.

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