When asked to justify your marketing and communications work

Sometimes I am fascinated by the cluelessness of some nonprofit leaders. I recently heard about someone in the marketing and communications team of a medium-sized charity who had been asked by his boss to demonstrate in quantitative media why there should be a communications manager. In other words, the CEO of the organization was asking the marketing manager to prove that it was worth the investment in dollars and cents.

In response, the marketing manager claimed that his work had been directly related to some fundraisers and that the success of the events was a direct result of the work. That, in turn, was disputed because a “team” ran those events and there was no direct link between the marketing manager and the organization’s revenue.

The thinking of the non-profit CEO is absurd.

How can any CEO ask a team member to financially justify their own position? It doesn’t make sense and is a sign of a larger problem within the nonprofit that apparently has something to do with the leader and not the marketing and communications manager.

I can’t imagine asking someone on my team to financially justify their position.

That’s my job!

I either believe that every team member in my organization has value and plays a part in the larger whole, even if they are not directly responsible for the bottom line, or I don’t.

If you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance of having to prove your worth to an uninformed CEO (while looking for another job at an organization that values ​​your talents), here are some of the ways you can prove your worth.

If your CEO wants data, give them lots of data.

  • Look at social networks and get reports on different time periods or campaigns so you can show how your organization is performing in terms of impressions, likes, comments, retweets, etc.
  • Take a look at the emails you sent in support of the fundraising team (you know, the ones you’re probably writing for the fundraising group) and see the open and click rates. Also, take a look at the dollar value of these emails for donations received and the number of donors.
  • Go to your website and see the statistics on the number of people who visit your site, especially if it is linked to Google Analytics. Even if your developer built your site, I bet you and your marketing team worked on it too.
  • If you have any collateral (brochures, letters, annual reports, emails, Facebook pages, videos) that you worked on and helped drive traffic, then the impressions and donations that came through all of those articles were motivated by your work (even if you collaborated with others as a team).
  • Take a look at consulting costs in your area for a talented external marketing and communications team. Solicit two or three bids from outside vendors, and then see how quickly your nonprofit gets a bargain. I bet your boss has no idea how much would be spent if marketing and communications were outsourced entirely.

I’m not sure what’s up with some nonprofit CEOs and why they devalue marketing and communications. If you’ve been in business for a while, I’m sure you’ve heard of some of the horror stories about marketing groups having to prove themselves.

However, if this happens to you or your team, it’s bad news. It kills morale, and the reality is that there will probably never be anything you can say or do to “prove” yourself. Once a CEO asks you to prove yourself, the very question means you’re down.

The fault is not with you, but with the CEO who does not fundamentally understand the role of marketing and communications for your organization and how it increases brand awareness and supports the fundraising function.

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