Where should a teacher stand when giving a lesson?

In the modern classroom, the teacher is expected to use a variety of teaching pedagogues each day to cater to the different learning styles of students. However, in addition to the pedagogue used, the teacher would like to maintain a disciplined classroom, dedicated to learning. In years past, if a teacher walked away from the teacher-led lesson (for example, a chalk-and-talk lesson), students often took it as a signal to relax and not take the lesson seriously.

To overcome that attitude of the students, the teacher can configure the lessons in a way that keeps the students’ learning on track by putting themselves in the best position in the classroom. Here are some simple ideas to help the inexperienced teacher maintain classroom discipline in a variety of teaching situations.

Initially, most teachers will use a lecture or teacher-led lesson. This is often called a “chalk and talk” lesson. Here is the best way to use this type of lesson. You must teach from the front corners of the classroom. If you are right-handed, use the board from the left corner as seen by the class and the right side if you write left-handed. This means your body won’t get in the way of class. You can see most of the class in your peripheral vision. With a step back and a half turn, he quickly has the entire class in sight. You can use your left/right arm as a pointer in this position while facing the class and still seeing all of your students.

In a spoken/verbal lesson, moving around the class randomly will help keep students alert and on task. You can make sure that the textbooks are open and that they are concentrating on what they are doing.

In the lesson of subjects like History or English, you may want to engage the class in a group discussion. Here it is a good idea to rearrange the classroom furniture into a hollow square. If you are leading the discussion, you can sit in the center of the hollow square but back from the front seat line where you can see all the students and the students can see you or whoever is speaking to the group. You can also use this approach, when students submit reports while you sit behind the hollow square, you can evaluate the report and easily observe the student audience. This way the students can’t see you without moving their body.

When the class is in work mode, i.e. doing set work, you can take the position in the front corner of the room to get the best view of the class.

Alternatively, circling the class will add an extra dimension to a disciplined environment, as well as greater application to work by students. You can also answer questions and more easily see those who are struggling to complete the task and are ready to help.

Standing behind the class adds another arrow to his bow because the class is never sure where they are. Standing behind or next to a lazy student lets her know that you are aware of her lack of effort. Ask them if they have problems and help them if necessary.

The use of various forms of technology can also create problems. Screens and projectors are often used to enhance teaching. Here it is important to place the screen where all students can easily see it. So you have to be aware of where you stand. Putting the teaching screen in the corner allows you to stand next to it, facing the class, and you can use a pointer if needed. An alternative is to place a drop-down screen in the center of the whiteboard and stand at the back of the room using a laser pointer to point out and discuss items you want students to notice. This approach limits the use of the plate.

Often you will use the screen in a computer room to demonstrate a new piece of software. Here it is important to have a hands-off policy. It may initially mean that the software package is not being accessed. The same is true for teaching students to use a new application with a graphing calculator.

With videos and the like, the screen in the center of the whiteboard is the best position for students while staying in the back of the room so you can see all of your students.

Inexperienced teachers are prone to making a major mistake early in their career. They often tend to stand in the center of the front of the room. Standing in the center of the room near the front desks can create vision problems. Blind spots occur in the left and right front corners and, to a lesser extent, in the two rear corners. That’s where troublemakers and lazy students often sit if you don’t have a seating plan.

Students will often miss their instructions. So always clearly write the task the class has to do on the opposite side of the board for everyone to see when you give your instructions.

Any items you want on the board permanently should also be written on the opposite side of the board, preferably high up on the board in the corner farthest from where you write. Clear instructions will help ensure a disciplined classroom with students on task most of the time.

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