Why choose velvet sofas

If you thought that velvet sofas are a thing of the past or that it would look horrible in your living room, you should think twice. A velvet sofa can be quite an exciting undertaking, which will greatly enhance the style of any room. Of course, you must have a good eye and select the right colors, styles and fabrics. Find out more about why you should choose this type of sofa.

Choosing a new sofa can be a real challenge. And when experimenting with new materials, you need to be very careful. Velvet sofas are no exception. Most of us think of grandma’s old furniture: very used and not so comfortable. And it also had an old-looking color, usually a washed-out orange or yellow.

But modern velvet sofas are totally different. They are vibrant, comfortable and have a huge color palette to match. The sheer number of color options alone is a good reason to choose velvet. Thats not all. You’ll find many sofas in vibrant, medium to dark tones, with blue being an especially popular choice.

Velvet sofas are very easy to care for. It is very important to understand that velvet is a fabric, not a fiber. Velvet can be made from various materials, such as silk, mohair, wool, or polyester. This means that not all velvet sofas are the same and there are different techniques and tips to keep a velvet sofa in good condition. Silk, wool and mohair are the most expensive materials. However, you should be able to take care of your sofa with nothing more than a velvet upholstery accessory for your vacuum cleaner.

You can always choose a classic navy blue, to temper the tones of a room and create a decoration that is pleasing to the eye. This classic blue is perfect for an oceanic, blue and white décor. The subtle sheen of a quality velvet gives it a beautiful depth.
Let’s not forget that purple velvet was a symbol of nobility and wealth. And it still is. Why not pompously decorate your room with elegant purple velvet sofas?

Velvet can be used successfully in a space with many hardy materials, such as wood and leather. It will soften all “masculine” textures, bringing balance and elegance. Another interesting combination is when you want to contrast various types of sofa fabrics. But you must be careful not to give the impression of complete disparity and chaos.

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